PHP Velho Oeste 2024

Die Klasse LengthException

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


Ausnahme, die ausgelöst wird, wenn eine Länge ungültig ist.


class LengthException extends LogicException {
/* Geerbte Eigenschaften */
protected string $message = "";
private string $string = "";
protected int $code;
protected string $file = "";
protected int $line;
private array $trace = [];
private ?Throwable $previous = null;
/* Geerbte Methoden */
public Exception::__construct(string $message = "", int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = null)
final public Exception::getCode(): int
final public Exception::getFile(): string
final public Exception::getLine(): int
final public Exception::getTrace(): array
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7 years ago
I humbly suggest to not use SPL Exceptions in new code.

They never made sense.

In PHP7, just stick to Error for runtime and unchecked exceptions, or Exception otherwise. Don't throw SPL-defined exceptions and don't let them bubble; if you can, convert them.

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