

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mysqli_stmt::fetch -- mysqli_stmt_fetchRuft Ergebnisse aus einer vorbereiteten Anweisung in gebundene Variablen ab


Objektorientierter Stil

public mysqli_stmt::fetch(): ?bool

Prozeduraler Stil

mysqli_stmt_fetch(mysqli_stmt $statement): ?bool

Ruft das Ergebnis einer vorbereiteten Anweisung in die Variablen ab, die durch mysqli_stmt_bind_result() gebunden wurden.


Es ist zu beachten, dass alle Spalten durch die Anwendung gebunden werden müssen, bevor mysqli_stmt_fetch() aufgerufen wird.


Die Daten werden ungepuffert übertragen, ohne die Funktion mysqli_stmt_store_result() aufzurufen, was die Leistung verringern kann (aber den Speicherbedarf reduziert).



Nur bei prozeduralem Aufruf: ein von mysqli_stmt_init() zurückgegebenes mysqli_stmt-Objekt.


Wert Beschreibung
true Erfolg. Die Daten wurden abgerufen
false Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
null Es gibt keine weiteren Zeilen/Daten oder die Daten wurden abgeschnitten


If mysqli error reporting is enabled (MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR) and the requested operation fails, a warning is generated. If, in addition, the mode is set to MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT, a mysqli_sql_exception is thrown instead.


Beispiel #1 Objektorientierter Stil

= new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

/* Verbindung überprüfen */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Verbindung fehlgeschlagen: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

$query = "SELECT Name, CountryCode FROM City ORDER by ID DESC LIMIT 150,5";

if (
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query)) {

/* Anweisung ausführen */

/* Ergebnisvariablen binden */
$stmt->bind_result($name, $code);

/* Werte abrufen */
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
printf ("%s (%s)\n", $name, $code);

/* Anweisung schließen */

/* Verbindung schließen */

Beispiel #2 Prozeduraler Stil

= mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

/* Verbindung überprüfen */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Verbindung fehlgeschlagen: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

$query = "SELECT Name, CountryCode FROM City ORDER by ID DESC LIMIT 150,5";

if (
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, $query)) {

/* Anweisung ausführen */

/* Ergebnisvariablen binden */
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $name, $code);

/* Werte abrufen */
while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
printf ("%s (%s)\n", $name, $code);

/* Anweisung schließen */

/* Verbindung schließen */

Die obigen Bespiele erzeugen folgende Ausgabe:

Rockford (USA)
Tallahassee (USA)
Salinas (USA)
Santa Clarita (USA)
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User Contributed Notes 14 notes

Bruce Martin
13 years ago
I was trying to use a generic select * from table statment and have the results returned in an array. I finally came up with this solution, others have similar solutions, but they where not working for me.
//Snip use normal methods to get to this point
$metaResults = $stmt->result_metadata();
$fields = $metaResults->fetch_fields();
//build the bind_results statement dynamically so I can get the results in an array
foreach($fields as $field){
$statementParams.=", \$column['".$field->name."']";
//Now the data is contained in the assoc array $column. Useful if you need to do a foreach, or
        //if your lazy and didn't want to write out each param to bind.
// Continue on as usual.
dan dot latter at gmail dot com
17 years ago
The following function taken from PHP Cookbook 2, returns an associative array of a row in the resultset, place in while loop to iterate through whole result set.

public function fetchArray () {
$data = mysqli_stmt_result_metadata($this->stmt);
$fields = array();
$out = array();

$fields[0] = &$this->stmt;
$count = 1;

$field = mysqli_fetch_field($data)) {
$fields[$count] = &$out[$field->name];
call_user_func_array(mysqli_stmt_bind_result, $fields);
        return (
count($out) == 0) ? false : $out;

jjling2011 at gmail dot com
7 years ago
Combind both ideas from Bruce Martin and dan, I come up with this code.
It will return an assoc array.

    $data = fetch_assoc('select * from table1 where id=? and name=?','is',[1,'Sam']);
    $data = fetch_assoc('select * from table2');
result looks like this:
   $data = [
      'id' => 1,
      'name' => 'Sam',
      'age' => ...

Please forgive my poor coding ( and English)  XD

function fetch_assoc($sql, $types = false, $params = false) {
$db = new MySQLi(HOST, USER, PASS, DB_NAME);
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
// bind params
if (is_string($types) && is_array($params) && count($params) === strlen($types)) {
$p = [];
$i = 0; $i<count($params); $i++){
$p[$i] = &$params[$i];
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), array_merge(array($types), $p));

        if (!
$stmt->execute()) {
// some thing goes wrong
return false;
// get column names
$metadata = $stmt->result_metadata();
$fields = $metadata->fetch_fields();

$results = [];
$ref_results = [];
$fields as $field){

call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $ref_results);

$data = [];
        while (
$stmt->fetch()) {
$data[] = $results;

16 years ago
This function uses the same idea as the last, but instead binds the fields to a given array.
function stmt_bind_assoc (&$stmt, &$out) {
$data = mysqli_stmt_result_metadata($stmt);
$fields = array();
$out = array();

$fields[0] = $stmt;
$count = 1;

$field = mysqli_fetch_field($data)) {
$fields[$count] = &$out[$field->name];
call_user_func_array(mysqli_stmt_bind_result, $fields);

// example

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT name, userid FROM somewhere");

$row = array();
stmt_bind_assoc($stmt, $row);

// loop through all result rows
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
andrey at php dot net
19 years ago
IMPORTANT note: Be careful when you use this function with big result sets or with BLOB/TEXT columns. When one or more columns are of type (MEDIUM|LONG)(BLOB|TEXT) and ::store_result() was not called mysqli_stmt_fetch() will try to allocate at least 16MB for every such column. It _doesn't_ matter that the longest value in the result set is for example 30 bytes, 16MB will be allocated. Therefore it is not the best idea ot use binding of parameters whenever fetching big data. Why? Because once the data is in the mysql result set stored in memory and then second time in the PHP variable.
piedone at pyrocenter dot hu
16 years ago
I tried the mentioned stmt_bind_assoc() function, but somehow, very strangely it doesn't allow the values to be written in an array! In the while loop, the row is fetched correctly, but if I write $array[] = $row;, the array will be filled up with the last element of the dataset... Unfortunately I couldn't find a solution.
xcyberx at protonmail dot com
5 years ago
Not any example for result with field names is not works correct when used prepare. This is correct variant:


// STMT SQL prepeare and execute
protected static function stmtSQL( $CONNECTION, $SQL_STMT ) {

$stmt = $CONNECTION->stmt_init();

$stmt->prepare($SQL_STMT) ) {

$r = $stmt->get_result();

            while (
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r) ) {
'<pre>'. print_r( $row, true ) .'</pre>';



        else {




Then we can make modifier to make possible collect data into fields_named array when used JOIN because it more flexible ;)
admin at akchauhan2 dot com
6 years ago
I'm creating a pagination system, here i am fetching some data in whileloop from the db, The problem is that i want to open a

Tag after every 3rd fetching from the database so that it will look like this:

1st time:

<div class="row no-collapse-1">
<section class="4u border">
<a href="video.php?video_id=1" class="image featured">
<img src="/images/image_imagename/hqdefault.jpg">
                <div class="box">
                    <p>Video Title </p>
                    <a href="video.php?video_id=1" class="button">Watch</a> </div>

  <div class="row no-collapse-1">
      <section class="4u border">
                    <a href="video.php?video_id=1" class="image featured">
                            <img src="/images/image_imagename/hqdefault.jpg">
                    <div class="box">
                        <p>Video Title </p>
                        <a href="video.php?video_id=1" class="button">Watch</a> </div>
3rd..4th. .and so on..

I am using this code, now how and where should i place the  <div class="row no-collapse-1"> tag

$page = $_GET['page'];
$page = 1;
$l_s = ($page*9)-9;

$stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection,"SELECT video_id, video_title, video_link FROM tubeVideos ORDER BY video_id DESC LIMIT $l_s,9");
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt,$video_id, $video_title, $video_link);



<section class="4u border">
            <a href="video.php?video_id=<?php echo $video_id; ?>" class="image featured">
                    <img src="/images/image_<?php echo $video_image ?>/hqdefault.jpg">
            <div class="box">
                    <?php echo $video_title; ?>
                <a href="video.php?video_id=<?php echo $video_id; ?>" class="button">Watch</a> </div>
asimileac at gmail dot com
8 years ago
There is a bug -

Don't use cursors in stored procedures which are called from PHP. You will receive PHP Warning:

PHP Warning:  Packets out of order. Expected xxx received yyy. Packet size=zzz
denath2 at yahoo dot com
16 years ago
As php at johnbaldock dot co dot uk mentioned the problem is that the $row returned is reference and not data. So, when you write  $array[] = $row, the $array will be filled up with the last element of the dataset. To come up with this you can write the following hack:

// loop through all result rows
while ($stmt->fetch()) {

    foreach( $row as $key=>$value )
        $row_tmb[ $key ] = $value;
    $array[] = $row_tmb;
Typer85 at gmail dot com
18 years ago
Just a side note,

I see many people are contributing in ways to help return result sets for prepared statements in ASSOSITAVE arrays the same as the mysqli_fetch_assos function might return from a normal query issued via mysqli_query.

This is done, in all the examples I have seen, by dynamically getting the field names in the prepared statement and binding them using 'variable' variables, which are variables that are created dynamically with the name of the field names.

Some thing though you should take into consideration is illegal variable names in PHP. Assume that you have a field name in your database table named 'My Field' , notice the space between 'My' and 'Field'.

To dynamically create this variable is illegal in PHP as variables can not have spaces in them. Furthermore, you won't be able to access the binded data as you can not reference a variable like so:


// Syntax Error.

echo $My Table;


The only suitable solution I find now is to replace all spaces in a field name with an underscore so that you can use the binded variable like so:


// This Works.

echo $My_Table;

// Notice the space is now replaced with an underscore.


All you simply have to do is before you dynamically bind the data, so a string search for any spaces in the table name, replace them with an underscore, THEN bind the variable.

That way you should not run into problems.
php at johnbaldock dot co dot uk
18 years ago
Having just learned about call_user_func_array I reworked my fetch_assoc example. Swapping the following code makes for a more elegant (and faster) solution.

while ($columnName = $meta->fetch_field()) {
$columns[] = &$results[$columnName->name];
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $columns);

Instead of this code from my example below:
= '$stmt->bind_result(';
while (
$columnName = $meta->fetch_field()) {
$bindResult .= '$results["'.$columnName->name.'"],';
$bindResult = rtrim($bindResult, ',') . ');';

The full reworked fetch_assoc code for reference:
= new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUsername, $dbPassword, $dbDatabase);
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('select * from foobar');
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();

while (
$column = $meta->fetch_field()) {
$bindVarsArray[] = &$results[$column->name];
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $bindVarsArray);


// outputs:
// array(3) {
//  ["id"]=>
//  &int(1)
//  ["foo"]=>
//  &string(11) "This is Foo"
//  ["bar"]=>
//  &string(11) "This is Bar"
// }
9 years ago
Same as everyone else, I was looking for a way NOT to have to duplicate the amount of code it takes to fetch the results of a prepared statement as an associative array.

Some of the other methods didn't work as written, and this one is packaged into a simple function to reduce code repetition.

Adapted from code others have posted.
// Example usage:
$id = 1;
$stmt = $dbc->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=?");
if (!
$stmt->bind_param('i', $id) || !$stmt->execute()) {
    throw new \
Exception("Database error: $stmt->errno - $stmt->error");
$results = fetch_assoc_stmt($stmt);

* Fetches the results of a prepared statement as an array of associative
* arrays such that each stored array is keyed by the result's column names.
* @param stmt   Must have been successfully prepared and executed prior to calling this function
* @param buffer Whether to buffer the result set; if true, results are freed at end of function
* @return An array, possibly empty, containing one associative array per result row
function fetch_assoc_stmt(\mysqli_stmt $stmt, $buffer = true) {
    if (
$buffer) {
$fields = $stmt->result_metadata()->fetch_fields();
$args = array();
$fields AS $field) {
$key = str_replace(' ', '_', $field->name); // space may be valid SQL, but not PHP
$args[$key] = &$field->name; // this way the array key is also preserved
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_result"), $args);
$results = array();
$stmt->fetch()) {
$results[] = array_map("copy_value", $args);
    if (
$buffer) {

* Copy value as value
function copy_value($v) {
php at johnbaldock dot co dot uk
18 years ago
I wanted a simple way to get the equivalent of fetch_assoc when using a prepared statement. I came up with the following:

= new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUsername, $dbPassword, $dbDatabase);
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('select * from foobar');
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();

// the following creates a bind_result string with an argument for each column in the query
// e.g. $stmt->bind_result($results["id"], $results["foo"], $results["bar"]);
$bindResult = '$stmt->bind_result(';
while (
$columnName = $meta->fetch_field()) {
$bindResult .= '$results["'.$columnName->name.'"],';
$bindResult = rtrim($bindResult, ',') . ');';

// executes the bind_result string

// outputs:
// array(3) {
//   ["id"]=>
//   &int(1)
//   ["foo"]=>
//   &string(11) "This is Foo"
//   ["bar"]=>
//   &string(11) "This is Bar"
// }
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