Miscellaneous Questions

There can be some questions we can't put into other categories. Here you can find them.

How can I handle the bz2 compressed manuals on Windows?

If you don't have an archiver-tool to handle bz2 files » download the command line tool from Redhat (please find further information below).

If you would not like to use a command line tool, you can try free tools like » Stuffit Expander, » UltimateZip, » 7-Zip, or » Quick Zip. If you have tools like » WinRAR or » Power Archiver, you can easily decompress the bz2 files with it. If you use Total Commander (formerly Windows Commander), a bz2 plugin for that program is available freely from the » Total Commander site.

The bzip2 command line tool from Redhat:

Win2k Sp2 users grab the latest version 1.0.2, all other Windows user should grab version 1.00. After downloading rename the executable to bzip2.exe. For convenience put it into a directory in your path, e.g. C:\Windows where C represents your Windows installation drive.

Note: lang stands for your language and x for the desired format, e.g.: pdf. To uncompress the php_manual_lang.x.bz2 follow these simple instructions:

  • open a command prompt window
  • cd to the folder where you stored the downloaded php_manual_lang.x.bz2
  • invoke bzip2 -d php_manual_lang.x.bz2, extracting php_manual_lang.x in the same folder

In case you downloaded the php_manual_lang.tar.bz2 with many html-files in it, the procedure is the same. The only difference is that you got a file php_manual_lang.tar. The tar format is known to be treated with most common archivers on Windows like e.g. » WinZip.

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

doerr at apkk dot de
14 years ago
If you only needed register_globals for get/post variables, the effictive solution for 5.3 is:
  import_request_variables("GPC", "");

But if the skripts relied on session_register() you'll have to do more:
- Replace all variables that appeared after session_register with _SESSION equivalents - so $myvar becomes $_SESSION['myvar']
- Take care if your variables appeared inside strings - 'Hello $user !' works, but 'Hello $_SESSION['user'] !' not - so you have to concatenate the string: 'Hello '.$_SESSION['user'] .' !'
- Session variables in function declarations (for whatever purpose) will not work - keeping the old (local) names will work in most cases.
- Finally, replace the session_register(..) line with session_start()
php at REMOVEMEkennel17 dot co dot uk
19 years ago
Regarding simulating register_globals = off, note that it is impossible to adequately prevent $_SESSION variables from being globalised, as the array (and thus the globals) are created on a call to session_start().  You would therefore have to 'undo' this when you start a session as using it at the start of your script will have no effect.

To avoid potential problems, use a prefix that is unique for all session variables (e.g. 'SESS_'), and only access them via the $_SESSION array.  The prefix ensures that you don't have a naming clash (and therefore a security risk) with any non-session globals.
19 years ago
Considering the comment below. I think there's a way to avoid that "problem":

// $starttime is an example of a variable that we might need to define,
// even before, running the "register_globals OFF" emulator below.
list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$starttime = ((float)$msec + (float)$sec);

// If register_globals is ON, ensure no unexpected globals are defined.
// ie. We'll try to emulate a register_globals OFF environment.
if( (bool)@ini_get('register_globals') )
$superglobals = array($_ENV, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_SERVER);
    if( isset(
array_unshift($superglobals, $_SESSION);
$knownglobals = array(
        // Known PHP Reserved globals and superglobals:
'_ENV',        'HTTP_ENV_VARS',
'_GET',        'HTTP_GET_VARS',

        // Global variables used by this code snippet:

        // Known global variables defined before this code snippet is reached.
$superglobals as $superglobal )
$superglobal as $global => $void )
            if( !
in_array($global, $knownglobals) )

Note the stuff related to the $_SESSION array depends on whether the PHP session has been started or not. You might want to call session_start() before this point (or set session.auto_start ON).

HTH+ :)
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