Making a Connection

To connect to the database server, use one of the following:

= new MongoClient(); // connects to localhost:27017
$connection = new MongoClient"mongodb://" ); // connect to a remote host (default port: 27017)
$connection = new MongoClient"mongodb://" ); // connect to a remote host at a given port

You do not have to explicitly disconnect from the database. The driver uses persistent connections and will re-use already established connections.

See Also

The chapter on connecting covers different types of connections.

The API documentation on the MongoClient class and MongoClient::__construct() give a comprehensive look at all possible options with a number of examples.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

Max Muster
5 years ago
The Class has changed again :

$m = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://alex:mypassword@");
8 years ago
Another way to connect, that works for me:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';//composer require "mongodb/mongodb=^"

$m = new MongoDB\Client("mongodb://alex:mypassword@");
echo "Connection to database successfull. <br>";
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