PHP Velho Oeste 2024



(PHP 5 < 5.4.0, PECL sqlite >= 1.0.1)

sqlite_single_query -- SQLiteDatabase::singleQuery Ejecuta una consulta y devuelve un array para cada colúmna única o el valor de la primera fila


sqlite_single_query ( resource $db , string $query [, bool $first_row_only [, bool $decode_binary ]] ) : array

Estilo orientado a objetos (método):

public SQLiteDatabase::singleQuery ( string $query [, bool $first_row_only [, bool $decode_binary ]] ) : array

Esta función no está documentada actualmente, solamente se encuentra disponible la lista de parámetros.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

oohall AT gmail DOT comMERCIAL
16 years ago
The previous note by franp at free dot fr appears to be incorrect, some cursory testing showed that DELETE FROM and INSERT INTO queries worked fine so other queries which do not return data should also work. However, if you're looking for a drop in replacement for sqlite_query(), try sqlite_unbuffered_query() as it appears to only execute the first query if more than one is given.
franp at free dot fr
19 years ago
AFAIK, you cannot use sqlite-single-query for all kind of SQL queries.
If you are lazy and thought you could safely copy-paste your :
<?php $result = $db->sqlite-single-query($sSQL); ?>
straight from one query to the other, whatever is the query as long as it has only one line, you are wrong.

Apparently, sqlite-single-query is limited to queries that return data, that is to SELECT queries.

= "DELETE FROM atoms WHERE ID = '8';";

// The following won't work :
$result = $db->singleQuery($sSQL);

// But the following will :
$result = $db->query($sSQL);
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