PHP Velho Oeste 2024


(PECL pecl_http >= 0.10.0)

HttpRequest::setOptionsEstablecer las opciones


public bool HttpRequest::setOptions ([ array $options ] )

Establece las opciones a usar en la petición.

Vea la lista completa de opciones de peticiones.



array asociativo, cuyos valores sobrescribiran los actuales; en caso de estar vacío u omitido, se restablecerán las opciones del objeto HttpRequest

Valores devueltos

Devuelve TRUE en caso de éxito o FALSE en caso de error.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

mightye at gmail dot com
16 years ago
Note that options cannot be changed on a request once it is added to a HttpRequestPool.  The pool reads the options and uses the values as they were set at the time it was added.

This means you can't do things like dynamically change the timeout each time you receive some data from the stream (essentially creating an idle timeout when doing things like calling remote long-running jobs).  However you can use low_speed_limit and low_speed_time options to simulate this behavior.
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