
Para contar con éstas funciones, debe compilar PHP con soporte de la extensión mysqli.


La extensión mysqli está diseñado para funcionar con la versión de MySQL 4.1.13 o posterior, o 5.0.7 o posterior. Para versiones previas, por favor consulte la documentación de la extensión MySQL.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

james at jmwhite dot co dot uk
3 years ago
PHP 7.4 now supports MySQL with caching_sha2_password, although it is a bit unclear around older versions, there seems to be conflicting reports. What is the support of caching_sha2_password in PHP < 7.4?
alvaro at demogracia dot com
6 years ago
Supported authentication methods are listed in the "Loaded plugins" row of the "mysqlnd" section in phpinfo(). Look for plugins that start with "auth_plugin_…".
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