Configuración en tiempo de ejecución

El comportamiento de estas funciones se ve afectado por la configuración de php.ini.

La siguiente tabla lista las opciones de configuración disponibles en la extensión SQLSRV. Para más información, ver » Manejando advertencias y errores de SQLSRV.

SQLSRV Opciones de configuración
Nombre Por defecto Cambiable Cambios
sqlsrv.WarningsReturnAsErrors 1 (true) INI_ALL Disponible desde SQLSRV 1.0
sqlsrv.LogSubsystems 0 INI_ALL Disponible desde SQLSRV 1.0
sqlsrv.LogSeverity 1 INI_ALL Disponible desde SQLSRV 1.0

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

baklanoid at gmail dot com
4 years ago
Hey-ho wayfarer! Here is some assembly i did, you may find it useful in your php.ini file :)

; By default, the SQLSRV driver treats warnings as errors;
; a call to a sqlsrv function that generates
; an error or a warning returns false.
sqlsrv.WarningsReturnAsErrors = 1

; By default, errors and warnings that are generated by
; the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server are not logged
; LogSubsystems can be one of the following values:
; -1 - Turns on logging of all subsystems.
;  0 - Turns logging off (This is the default).
;  1 - Turns on logging of initialization activity.
;  2 - Turns on logging of connection activity.
;  4 - Turns on logging of statement activity.
;  8 - Turns on logging of error functions activity (such as handle_error and handle_warning).
; These values may be combined with logical OR,
; for example, 6 - connection + statement
sqlsrv.LogSubsystems = -1

; LogSeverity can be one of the following values
; -1 - Specifies that errors, warnings, and notices are logged.
;  0 - Logging is disabled (This is the default).
;  1 - Specifies that errors are logged.
;  2 - Specifies that warnings are logged.
;  4 - Specifies that notices are logged.
; Logging information is added to the error_log (php_errors.log) file.
; These values may be combined with logical OR,
; for example, 3 - errors + warnings
sqlsrv.LogSeverity = 1
robert dot urbanski2 at gmail dot com
8 years ago
Do not omitt these parameters

client_buffer_max_kb_size = '50240'
sqlsrv.ClientBufferMaxKBSize = 50240
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