A little correction to king_killa at juggalos4life dot com's note, it isn't ftp_res, it's ftp_size.
By the way, here is a complete function that will get all the files on a server, then write them to a array.
$ftp1 = ftp_connect('ftp.nowhere1230404.foo') or die("Couldn't connect to server");
ftp_pasv($ftp1, TRUE); echo "Collecting Files on Neodecoder<br>";
$dir = "";
function filecollect($dir,$filelist) {
global $ftp1; $files = ftp_nlist($ftp1,$dir); foreach ($files as $file) {
$isfile = ftp_size($ftp1, $file);
if($isfile == "-1") { $filelist = filecollect($dir.'/'.$file,$filelist,$num); }
else {
$filelist[(count($filelist)+1)] = $file; }
return $filelist;
$filelist = filecollect($dir,$filelist);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
This is really handy if your trying to transfer all the files from a ftp server to another server. Which, is why I made the script in the first place. heh..