I tried to replicate the native behavior as much as possible for systems that don't have the get_headers() function. Here it is:
if (!function_exists('get_headers')) {
function get_headers($Url, $Format= 0, $Depth= 0) {
if ($Depth > 5) return;
$Parts = parse_url($Url);
if (!array_key_exists('path', $Parts)) $Parts['path'] = '/';
if (!array_key_exists('port', $Parts)) $Parts['port'] = 80;
if (!array_key_exists('scheme', $Parts)) $Parts['scheme'] = 'http';
$Return = array();
$fp = fsockopen($Parts['host'], $Parts['port'], $errno, $errstr, 30);
if ($fp) {
$Out = 'GET '.$Parts['path'].(isset($Parts['query']) ? '?'.@$Parts['query'] : '')." HTTP/1.1\r\n".
'Host: '.$Parts['host'].($Parts['port'] != 80 ? ':'.$Parts['port'] : '')."\r\n".
'Connection: Close'."\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $Out."\r\n");
$Redirect = false; $RedirectUrl = '';
while (!feof($fp) && $InLine = fgets($fp, 1280)) {
if ($InLine == "\r\n") break;
$InLine = rtrim($InLine);
list($Key, $Value) = explode(': ', $InLine, 2);
if ($Key == $InLine) {
if ($Format == 1)
$Return[$Depth] = $InLine;
else $Return[] = $InLine;
if (strpos($InLine, 'Moved') > 0) $Redirect = true;
} else {
if ($Key == 'Location') $RedirectUrl = $Value;
if ($Format == 1)
$Return[$Key] = $Value;
else $Return[] = $Key.': '.$Value;
if ($Redirect && !empty($RedirectUrl)) {
$NewParts = parse_url($RedirectUrl);
if (!array_key_exists('host', $NewParts)) $RedirectUrl = $Parts['host'].$RedirectUrl;
if (!array_key_exists('scheme', $NewParts)) $RedirectUrl = $Parts['scheme'].'://'.$RedirectUrl;
$RedirectHeaders = get_headers($RedirectUrl, $Format, $Depth+1);
if ($RedirectHeaders) $Return = array_merge_recursive($Return, $RedirectHeaders);
return $Return;
return false;
The function will handle up to five redirects.