Example code from my ldap class.
this->query i send notes under ldap_search function documentation.
public function queryUserLogin($user_name='', $user_psw='', $tls_bool=true) // na localhostu pouzit tls=false
//$tls_bool = false; // for localhost
$fn = 'queryUser';
$config = $this->config;
$conn = $this->conn;
if (!$conn)
{return $this->errorConnection($fn);}
// user - exist name?
$user_name = $this->escapeValue($user_name);
$user_psw = $this->escapeValue($user_psw);
$filter = "(&(objectclass=person)(cn=".$user_name."))";
$att = array('dn');
$data = $this->query($filter, $att, 2, true);
if ($data===false)
$this->error("User error, nenalezen v ldap!");
return false;
// user - exist user in LDAP (name, psw)
$user = is_array($data) && isset($data[0]) && isset($data[0]['dn']) ? $data[0]['dn'] : ''; // "cn=mynickname,ou=users,o=su"
$psw = $user_psw;
if ($user=='' || $psw=='')
$this->error("User error, prazdne prihlasovaci udaje!");
return false;
if ($tls_bool==true)
if (ldap_start_tls($conn)) //php7
$result = @ldap_bind($conn, $user, $psw);
else {
$this->error("Unable to start TLS!"); // SSL encrypt protocol, certificate, deprecated?
else {
$result = @ldap_bind($conn, $user, $psw);
if ($result==false)
$this->error("Bind user error! bindDN = ".$user); //".ldap_error($conn)."
return false;
// user - get user info, bind to ldap user with more permitions and get data (login to intercon user)
$user = $config['userInterconDn'];
$psw = $config['userInterconPsw'];
if ($tls_bool==true)
if (ldap_start_tls($conn)) //php7
$result = ldap_bind($conn, $user, $psw);
else {
$this->error("Unable to start TLS!"); // SSL encrypt protocol, certificate, deprecated?
else {
$result = ldap_bind($conn, $user, $psw);
if ($result==false)
$this->error("Bind user intercon error!"); // . ldap_error($conn) !Nezobrazovat jmeno usera interconu
$this->out = array(
'uid' => $user
return true;
// search user data
$filter = "(&(objectclass=person)(cn=" . $user_name . "))";
$att = array(
$data = $this->query($filter, $att, 2, true);
// get data from ldap entires structure
$this->out = array(
'uid' => $this->dataGetValue($data, 'uid' , ''),
'workforceID' => $this->dataGetValue($data, 'workforceid', ''),
'employeeID' => $this->dataGetValue($data, 'employeeid' , ''),
'givenName' => $this->dataGetValue($data, 'givenname' , ''),
'sn' => $this->dataGetValue($data, 'sn' , ''), // prijmeni
'mail' => $this->dataGetValue($data, 'mail' , '') // mail
$this->conn = $conn;
return true;