
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mktime Retourne l'horodatage UNIX d'une date


    int $hour,
    ?int $minute = null,
    ?int $second = null,
    ?int $month = null,
    ?int $day = null,
    ?int $year = null
): int|false

mktime() retourne un horodatage UNIX correspondant aux arguments fournis. Cet horodatage est un entier long, contenant le nombre de secondes entre le début de l'époque UNIX (1er Janvier 1970 00:00:00 GMT) et le temps spécifié.

Les arguments optionnels ou null peuvent être omis, de droite à gauche, et tous les arguments manquants sont utilisés avec la valeur courante de l'heure et du jour.


Veuillez noter que l'ordre des arguments est dans un ordre impair: month, day, year, et non dans l'ordre plus raisonnable que serait year, month, day.

Appeler mktime() sans arguments n'est pas supporté. Cela aura pour résultat de lancer une ArgumentCountError. time() peut être utilisé pour récupérer l'horodatage courant.

Liste de paramètres


Le nombre d'heures depuis le début de la journée fixée par les paramètres month, day et year. Les valeurs négatives font références aux heures avant minuit du jour en question. Les valeurs supérieures à 23 font références aux heures associées pour le(s) jour(s) suivant(s).


Le nombre de minutes depuis le début de l'heure hour. Les valeurs négatives font références aux minutes de l'heure précédente. Les valeurs supérieures à 59 font références aux minutes associées pour l'(les) heure(s) suivante(s).


Le nombre de secondes depuis le début de la minute minute. Les valeurs négatives font références aux secondes de la minute précédente. Les valeurs supérieures à 59 font références aux secondes associées à la(les) minute(s) suivante(s).


Le nombre de mois depuis la fin de l'année précédente. Les valeurs comprises entre 1 et 12 font références aux mois du calendrier normal de l'année en question. Les valeurs inférieures à 1 (y compris les valeurs négatives) font références aux mois de l'année précédente dans l'ordre inverse, aussi, 0 correspond à décembre, -1 à novembre, etc. Les valeurs supérieures à 12 font références au mois correspondant dans l'(les) année(s) suivante(s).


Le nombre de jours depuis la fin du mois précédent. Les valeurs comprises entre 1 et 28, 29, 30, 31 (suivant le mois) font références aux jours normaux dans le mois courant. Les valeurs inférieures à 1 (y compris les valeurs négatives) font références aux jours du mois précédent, aussi, 0 correspond au dernier jour du mois précédent, -1, le jour d'avant, etc. Les valeurs supérieures au nombre de jours du mois courant font références aux jours correspondants du(des) mois suivant(s).


L'année, peut être sur deux ou quatre chiffres, avec des valeurs allant de 0 à 69, correspondant aux valeurs 2000 à 2069 et 70 à 100, correspondant aux valeurs 1970 à 2000. Sur les systèmes où time_t un entier signé sur 32bits, ce qui est le plus courant de nos jours, la période valide pour year est quelque part près de 1901 et 2038.

Valeurs de retour

mktime() retourne un horodatage Unix des arguments donnés, ou false si l'horodatage ne rentre pas dans un entier PHP.


Version Description
8.0.0 hour n'est plus optionnel. Pour obtenir un horodatage unix, il faudra utiliser la fonction time().
8.0.0 minute, second, month, day et year sont désormais nullable.


Exemple #1 Exemple simple avec mktime()

// Configuration du fuseau horaire.

// Affiche : July 1, 2000 est un Saturday
echo "July 1, 2000 est un " . date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2000));

// Affiche quelque chose comme : 2006-04-05T01:02:03+00:00
echo date('c', mktime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2006));

Exemple #2 Exemple avec mktime()

mktime() est pratique pour faire des calculs de dates et des validations, car elle va automatiquement corriger les valeurs invalides. Par exemple, toutes les lignes suivantes vont retourner la même date : "Jan-01-1998".

echo date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 32, 1997));
date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 13, 1, 1997));
date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1998));
date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 98));

Exemple #3 Dernier jour d'un mois

Le dernier jour d'un mois peut être décrit comme le jour "0" du mois suivant, et non pas le jour -1. Les deux exemples suivants vont donner : "Le dernier jour de Février 2000 est: 29".

= mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2000);
strftime("Le dernier jour de Fevrier 2000 est : %d", $lastday);
$lastday = mktime(0, 0, 0, 4, -31, 2000);
strftime("Le dernier jour de Fevrier 2000 est : %d", $lastday);

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User Contributed Notes 27 notes

16 years ago
Do remember that, counter-intuitively enough, the arguments for month and day are inversed (or middle-endian). A common mistake for Europeans seems to be to feed the date arguments in the expected order (big endian or little endian).

It's clear to see where this weird order comes from (even with the date being big endian the order for all arguments would still be mixed - it's obviously based on the American date format with the time "prefixed" to allow an easier shorthand) and why this wasn't changed (passing the values in the wrong order produces a valid, though unexpected, result in most cases), but it continues to be a source of confusion for me whenever I come back to PHP from other languages or libraries.
10 years ago
Be careful passing zeros into mktime, in most cases a zero will count as the previous unit of time. The documentation explains this yet most of the comments here still use zeroes.

For example, if you pass the year 2013 into mktime, with zeroes for everything else, the outcome is probably not what you are looking for.

echo date('F jS, Y g:i:s a', mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2013));
// November 30th, 2012 12:00:00 am

Instead of using 0's, try 1's. This makes more sense (except for minutes/seconds). Maybe not as obvious of a purpose as zeroes to other programmers, though.

echo date('F jS, Y g:i:s a', mktime(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2013));
// January 1st, 2013 1:01:01 am
joseph dot andrew dot hughes at gmail dot com
16 years ago
Just a small thing to think about if you are only trying to pull the month out using mktime and date.  Make sure you place a 1 into day field.  Otherwise you will get incorrect dates when a month is followed by a month with less days when the day of the current month is higher then the max day of the month you are trying to find.. (Such as today being Jan 30th and trying to find the month Feb.)
developers at zeros dot co dot id
6 years ago
Please note, mktime requires an integer value, if you use date("H"), date("i"), date("s") as a value, which is actually have a leading zero, you may get "A non well formed numeric value encountered" notice. so you need some tricks like this

mktime( date("G"), intval(date("i")), intval(date("s"), date("n"), date("j"), date("Y") )

Since there are no minute & second without leading zero in the date function, we can use the intval() function or you can cast value type like this to force the value type.

(int) date("i")
8 years ago
Please mind function is timezone dependent. Timezone independent funciton is gmmktime
thomas_corthals at hotmail dot com
16 years ago
It seems mktime() doesn't return negative timestamps on Linux systems with a version of glibc <= 2.3.3.
MarkAgius at markagius dot co dot uk
7 years ago
The following function moves all the parameters in order of most significant (biggest) to least significant (smallest) order.
Year is bigger than month. Month is bigger than day. Day bigger than hours...

Much less confusing than mktime order.

function mkTimestamp($year,$month,$day, $hours=0,$minutes=0,$seconds=0){
// Same as mktime() but parameters are in most significant to least significant order.
return mktime($hours,$minutes,$seconds, $month,$day,$year);
mh240873 at web dot de
9 years ago
Pay attention that not all days have the same number of seconds (86400s) if you are using date_default_timezone_set(..) and the used timezone has Daylight Saving Time (DST) e.g. "Europe/Berlin". Under PHP 5.5.16 I get the following results:

  $shortday  = mktime(23,59,59, '3','29','2015') - mktime(0,0,0, '3','29','2015) + 1; // result: 82800s  (86400s - 3600s)
  $normalDay = mktime(23,59,59, '1', '2','2015') - mktime(0,0,0, '1', '1','2015) + 1; // result: 86400s 
  $longDay   = mktime(23,59,59,'10','25','2015') - mktime(0,0,0,'10','25','2015) + 1; // result: 90000s  (86400s + 3600s)

Pitfall is noticeable if you are running an iterative loop with a code like:
   echo date( 'd.m.Y', $day );
   $day = $day + 86400;   // 86400 = 24*3600 - frequently used in PHP code

which results in wrong date if $day reaches 2015-10-25 (end of summer time in Germany):
    25.10.2015   // Ups! Same date twice in calendar

You may workaround this by using date_default_timezone_set('UTC') where all days have the same number of seconds.
tom at chegg dot com
14 years ago
I was using the following to get a list of month names.

for ($i=1; $i<13; $i++) {
  echo date('F', mktime(0,0,0,$i) . ",";

Normally this outputs -

However if today's date is the 31st you get instead:

Why? Because Feb,Apr,June,Sept, and Nov don't have 31 days!

The fix, add the 5th parameter, don't let the day of month default to today's date:

  echo date('F', mktime(0,0,0,$i,1) . ",";
info at microweb dot lt
14 years ago
Function to generate array of dates between two dates (date range array)

function dates_range($date1, $date2)
   if (
       while (
$date1=mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date1), date("d", $date1)+1, date("Y", $date1));
$dates_range[]=date('Y-m-d', $date1);

print_r(dates_range('2009-12-25', '2010-01-05'));

[EDIT BY danbrown AT php DOT net: Contains a bugfix submitted by (carlosbuz2 AT gmail DOT com) on 04-MAR-2011, with the following note: The first date in array is incorrect.]
ronnie dot kurniawan at gmail dot com
16 years ago
Add (and subtract) unixtime:

function utime_add($unixtime, $hr=0, $min=0, $sec=0, $mon=0, $day=0, $yr=0) {
$dt = localtime($unixtime, true);
$unixnewtime = mktime(
$dt['tm_hour']+$hr, $dt['tm_min']+$min, $dt['tm_sec']+$sec,
$dt['tm_mon']+1+$mon, $dt['tm_mday']+$day, $dt['tm_year']+1900+$yr);
PHPcoder at freemail dot ig3 dot net
17 years ago
The maximum possible date accepted by mktime() and gmmktime() is dependent on the current location time zone.

For example, the 32-bit timestamp overflow occurs at 2038-01-19T03:14:08+0000Z.  But if you're in a UTC -0500 time zone (such as EST in North America), the maximum accepted time before overflow (for older PHP versions on Windows) is 2038-01-18T22:14:07-0500Z, regardless of whether you're passing it to mktime() or gmmktime().
rga at merchantpal dot com
17 years ago
You cannot simply subtract or add month VARs using mktime to obtain previous or next months as suggested in previous user comments (at least not with a DD > 28 anyway).

If the date is 03-31-2007, the following yeilds March as a previous month. Not what you wanted.

= mktime(0, 0, 0, (3-1), 312007 );
$lastmonth = date("n | F", $dateMinusOneMonth);
$lastmonth;    //---> 3 | March

mktime correctly gives you back the 3rd of March if you subtract 1 month from March 31 (there are only 28 days in Feb 07).

If you are just looking to do month and year arithmetic using mktime, you can use general days like 1 or 28 to do stuff like this:

= date('t', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,1,$myYear));     // how many days in month
$d_year = date('Y', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,1,$myYear));        // year
$d_isleapyear = date('L', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,1,$myYear));    // is YYYY a leapyear?

$d_firstdow = date('w', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,'1',$myYear));     // FIRST falls on what day of week (0-6)
$d_firstname = date('l', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,'1',$myYear));     // FIRST falls on what day of week Full Name

$d_month = date('n', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,28,$myYear));         // month of year (1-12)
$d_monthname = date('F', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,28,$myYear));         // Month Long name (July)
$d_month_previous = date('n', mktime(0,0,0,($myMonth-1),28,$myYear));         // PREVIOUS month of year (1-12)
$d_monthname_previous = date('F', mktime(0,0,0,($myMonth-1),28,$myYear));     // PREVIOUS Month Long name (July)
$d_month_next = date('n', mktime(0,0,0,($myMonth+1),28,$myYear));         // NEXT month of year (1-12)
$d_monthname_next = date('F', mktime(0,0,0,($myMonth+1),28,$myYear));         // NEXT Month Long name (July)
$d_year_previous = date('Y', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,28,($myYear-1)));        // PREVIOUS year
$d_year_next = date('Y', mktime(0,0,0,$myMonth,28,($myYear+1)));        // NEXT year

$d_weeksleft = (52 - $d_weekofyear);                     // how many weeks left in year
$d_daysinyear = $d_isleapyear ? 366 : 365;                // set correct days in year for leap years
$d_daysleft = ($d_daysinyear - $d_dayofyear);                // how many days left in year
8 years ago
What's odd is that mktime doesn't seem to support every possible year number. It's common sense that 2 digit (shortened) year numbers are interpreted in the range 1970..2069

However, when padded with zeroes, no such transformation should happen (at least that is the behaviour of other date functions). Unfortunately it does (until year 100 *inclusive*):

echo date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,"0001"));
// Expected: 0001-01-01
// Result:   2001-01-01      INCORRECT

echo date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,"0100"));
// Expected: 0100-01-01
// Result:   2000-01-01      INCORRECT

echo date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,"0101"));
// Expected: 0101-01-01
// Result:   0101-01-01      Correct
18 years ago
There are several warnings here about using mktime() to determine a date difference because of daylight savings time. However, nobody seems to have mentioned the other obvious problem, which is leap years.

Leap years mean that any effort to use mktime() and time() to determine the age (positive or negative) of some timestamp in years will be flawed. There are some years that are 366 days long, therefore you cannot say that there is a set number of seconds per year.

Timestamps are good for determining *real* time, which is not the same thing as *human calendar* time. The Gregorian calendar is only an approximation of real time, which is tweaked with daylight savings time and leap years to make it conform more to humans' expectations of how time should or ought to work. Timestamps are not tweaked and therefore are the only authoritative way of recording in computers a proper order of succession of events, but they cannot be integrated with a Gregorian system unless you take both leap years and DST into account. Otherwise, you may get the wrong number of years when you are approaching a value of exactly X years.

As for PHP, you could still use timestamps as a way of determining age if you took into account not only DST but also whether or not each year is a leap year and adjusted your calculations accordingly. However, this could become messy and inefficient.

There is an alternative approach to calculating days given the day, month and year of the dates to be compared. Compare the years first, and then compare the month and day - if the month and day have already passed (or, if you like, if they match the current month and day), then add 1 to the total for the years.

This solution works because it stays within the Gregorian system and doesn't venture into the world of timestamps.

There is also the issue of leap seconds, but this will only arise if you literally need to get the *exact* age in seconds. In that case, of course, you would also need to verify that your timestamps are exactly correct and are not delayed by script processing time, plus you would need to determine whether your system conforms to UTC, etc. I expect this will hardly be an issue for anybody using PHP, however if you are interested there is an article on this issue on Wikipedia:
info at djdb dot be
11 years ago
raw date to clean timestamp
private function dateToTimestamp($date){
        $datefrom = explode(" ", $date);
        $value = array();
        if(strpos($datefrom[0], '-')){
            //print "issplit -";
            $value = explode("-", $datefrom[0]);
        if(strpos($datefrom[0], '/')){
            //print "issplit /";
            $value = explode("/", $datefrom[0]);
            //int mktime([hour[minute[second[month[day[year
            return mktime(0, 0, 0,$value[1],$value[0],$value[2]);
        }else{                  //2012/12/13
            //int mktime([hour[minute[second[month[day[year
            return mktime(0, 0, 0,$value[1],$value[2],$value[0]);
16 years ago
caculate days between two date

// end date is 2008 Oct. 11 00:00:00
$_endDate = mktime(0,0,0,11,10,2008);
// begin date is 2007 May 31 13:26:26
$_beginDate = mktime(13,26,26,05,31,2007);

$timestamp_diff= $_endDate-$_beginDate +1 ;
// how many days between those two date
$days_diff = $timestamp_diff/86400;

zfowler at unomaha dot edu
14 years ago
Proper way to convert Excel dates into PHP-friendly timestamps using mktime():

// The date 6/30/2009 is stored as 39994 in Excel
$days = 39994;

// But you must subtract 1 to get the correct timestamp
$ts = mktime(0,0,0,1,$days-1,1900);

// So, this would then match Excel's representation:
echo date("m/d/Y",$ts);

Excel uses "number of days since Jan. 1, 1900" to store its dates.  It also treats 1900 as a leap year when it wasn't, thus there is an extra day which must be accounted for in PHP (and the rest of the world).  Subtracting 1 from Excel's number will fix this problem.
cebleo at n-trance dot net
15 years ago
to ADD or SUBSTRACT times NOTE that if you dont specify the UTC zone your result is the difference +- your server UTC delay.

if you are ina utc/GMT +1

= strtotime("20:00:00")-strtotime("19:00:00");
date('h:i', $hours_diff)." Hours";

it shows: 02:00 Hours

but if you use a default UTC time:

$hours_diff = strtotime("20:00:00")-strtotime("19:00:00");
"<br>". date('h:i', $hours_diff);

it shows: 01:00 Hours.
17 years ago
Finding out the number of days in a given month and year, accounting for leap years when February has more than 28 days.

function days_in_month($year, $month) {
date( "t", mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year) ) );

Hope it helps a soul out there.
ooogla at hotmail dot com
16 years ago
If you want to increment the day based on a variable when using a loop you can use this when you submit a form

1. Establish a start date and end date in two different variables

2. Get the number of days between a date

$ndays = (strtotime($_POST['edate']) - strtotime($_POST['sdate'])) / (60 * 60 * 24);

Then here is the string you slip in your loop

$nextday  = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", strtotime($_POST['sdate']))  , date("d", strtotime($_POST['sdate']))+ $count, date("Y", strtotime($_POST['sdate']))));

$count is incremented by the loop.
mogster at redesign dot no
10 years ago
Just a simple function to return mktime from a db (mysql) datetime (Y-m-d H:i:s):

function retMktimest($dbdate) {
  return mktime(substr($dbdate, 11, 2), substr($dbdate, 14, 2), substr($dbdate, 17, 2), substr($dbdate, 5, 2), substr($dbdate, 8, 2), substr($dbdate, 0, 4));
7 years ago
// here is the function which returns the Unix timestamp of last date of quarter, by  quarter number:
function last_day_of_quarter($q) {
  return mktime(0, 0, 0, floor($q*3), $q == 1 || $q == 4 ? 31 : 30);
Jacob Santos
12 years ago
Please note that incrementing a date using mktime in a loop is not proper. You could do it, except that there is a far better method found in the DateTime PHP class. Look at the documentation for DateTime::modify, DateTime::add (when supported) and DateTime::sub (when supported).

Also, adding seconds to a time is, well it isn't as easy as it seems, "Hey I'll just add 3600 seconds or 86400 seconds or x seconds!". The phrase once bitten, twice shy is quite applicable with the usage of adding seconds. If you ever had to 'fix' a time by calculating midnight to add the correct number of seconds, then you are doing it wrong.

Luckily, knowing is not a requirement, because DateTime and friends exists, removing the complexity for you.

So if given a choice of

mktime($seconds, $minutes, $hours+1);


$datetime->modify('+1 hour');



I'll go with the second choice, but probably not the third, unless I was using DateInterval::createFromDateString, so that other developers knew my intent.
mktime_php at mailinator dot com
8 years ago
One practical and useful example of using negative values in mktime is the following:

//Considering today's date
echo date('Y-m-d'); //Prints: 2016-03-22
echo date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-42, date("Y"))); //Prints: 2016-02-09

By using date outputs inside mktime and adding or subtracting from them may be simpler than using other methods (string concatenations or timestamp values) and less prone to human calculations' errors.
ionut dot bodea at eydos dot ro
16 years ago
Here is what I use to calculate age. It took me 30 minutes to write and it's quite accurate. What it has special is that it's calculating the number of days a year has (float number), by testing if a year is a leap one or not. This number is used to compute the age.

function get_age($date_start, $date_end) {
$t_lived = get_timestamp($date_end) - get_timestamp($date_start);
$seconds_one_year = get_days_per_year($date_start, $date_end) * 24 * 60 * 60;
$age = array();
$age['years_exact'] = $t_lived / $seconds_one_year;
$age['years'] = floor($t_lived / $seconds_one_year);
$seconds_remaining = $t_lived % $seconds_one_year;
$age['days'] = round($seconds_remaining / (24 * 60 * 60));
get_timestamp($date) {
$y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $date);
mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y);
get_days_per_year($date_start, $date_end) {
$y1) = explode('-', $date_start);
$y2) = explode('-', $date_end);
$years_days = array();
$y = $y1; $y <= $y2; $y++) {
$years_days[] = date('L', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $y)) ? 366 : 365;
round(array_sum($years_days) / count($years_days), 2);

$date_birth = '1979-10-12';
$date_now = date('Y-m-d');

$age = get_age($date_birth, $date_now);

It will display something like this:
    [years_exact] => 28.972974329491
    [years] => 28
    [days] => 355
delfino dot salinas at gmail dot com
10 years ago
this function returns the number of days of a provided month and year, it consider the actual rules for leap years

(if the year is multiple of 4 which is not a multiple of 100 unless multiple of thousand then is a leap)
Regards, hope this function solves any issue :)

function daysinmonth($month,$year) {
$dim = 0;
switch ($month) {
    case 1:
    case 3:
    case 5:
    case 7:
    case 8:
    case 10:
    case 12:
    case 4:
    case 6:
    case 9:
    case 11:
    case 2:
        if($year%4==0) {
            if($year%100==0) {
                if($year%1000==0) { $dim=29; } else { $dim=28; }
            } else {
        } else {$dim=28;}
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