[MS SQL Server 2005/2008, PHP 5]
Imagine you would need to access the column names of a specific table, for instance to display them as table headers for fields with missing information. While browsing the documentation I was kind of lost how to use odbc_columns() without the usage of odbc_result_all() which outputs EVERYTHING in a single HTML table.
Here is a way to stuff all output into an array and then access only one or more fields of the odbc_columns() output:
include('connect.inc'); // <== Put all your database connection parameters in here. (DSN, PWD, USR, mssql_connect, etc.; returns $connection)
$outval = odbc_columns($connection, "your DB name", "%", "your table name", "%");
$pages = array();
while (odbc_fetch_into($outval, $pages)) {
echo $pages[3] . "<br />\n"; // presents all fields of the array $pages in a new line until the array pointer reaches the end of array data
Now your array $pages will have the following contents:
([x] is the array index displayed here for better understanding)
[0] TABLE_CAT <== your DB name
[1] TABLE_SCHEM <== dbo, your table scheme
[2] TABLE_NAME <== your table name
[3] COLUMN_NAME <== your column names (selected all with "%" in odbc_columns() )
[4] DATA_TYPE <== -8
[5] TYPE_NAME <== nchar (corresponds to -8, 11 f.i. is datetime and so on)
[6] COLUMN_SIZE <== num. val.
[7] BUFFER_LENGTH <== num. val.
[8] DECIMAL_DIGITS <== num. val. or NULL
[9] NUM_PREC_RADIX <== num. val. or NULL
[10] NULLABLE <== num. val.
[11] REMARKS <== num. val. or NULL
[12] COLUMN_DEF <== num. val. or NULL
[13] SQL_DATA_TYPE <== num. val.
[14] SQL_DATETIME_SUB <== num. val. or NULL
[15] CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH <== num. val. or NULL
[16] ORDINAL_POSITION <== num. val.
[18] SS_DATA_TYPE <== num. val.
Now you can access each field recursivly by its key and output only the DESIRED fields instead of having ALL output from odbc_result_all().
Please note that the array key starts at zero (0) instead of one (1), so echo $pages[3] selects COLUMN_NAME from the above list.
I hope this helps...