May be useful for cyphers execution speed.
const TEST_COUNT = 100000;
const SOURCE = 'Note that HTML tags are not allowed in the posts, but the note formatting is preserved.';
const KEY = "password";
function TESTER( $testing_function, $argument )
$t = microtime(true);
for ($test_iterator = 0; $test_iterator < TEST_COUNT; $test_iterator++) {
$testing_function( $argument );
return round(microtime(true) - $t, 4);
$crypt = function($cipher) {
$ivlen = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivlen);
openssl_encrypt(SOURCE, $cipher, KEY, $options=0, $iv);
$methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods(false);
array_splice( $methods, 0, count($methods) / 2);
$timings = array();
foreach ($methods as $cypher) {
$time = TESTER( $crypt, $cypher );
$timings[ $cypher ] = $time;
echo str_pad($cypher, 40, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT), " have time ", str_pad($time, 8, STR_PAD_LEFT), ' seconds. ', PHP_EOL;
uasort($timings, function($a, $b){
return $a <=> $b;
$min_time = round(reset($timings) / TEST_COUNT, 7);
$min_cypher = key($timings);
$max_time = round(end($timings) / TEST_COUNT, 7);
$max_cypher = key($timings);
echo '-------------', PHP_EOL;
echo "Total tests: ", count($timings), PHP_EOL;
echo "Max timing : {$max_time} seconds for `{$max_cypher}` algorithm.", PHP_EOL;
echo "Min timing : {$min_time} seconds for `{$min_cypher}` algorithm.", PHP_EOL;
echo 'Details: ', PHP_EOL;
foreach ($timings as $m => $t) {
echo '- ', str_pad($t, 8, STR_PAD_LEFT), " seconds for `{$m}`", PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;