
(PECL rnp >= 0.1.1)

rnp_op_sign_cleartextPerform signing operation on a textual data, return cleartext signed message


    RnpFFI $ffi,
    string $data,
    array $keys_fp,
    array $options = ?
): string|false

Liste de paramètres


L'objet FFI retourné par rnp_ffi_create.


Data to be signed.


Array with key fingerprints. At least one key must be provided. Keys should be present in ffi.


An associative array with options.

Key Data type Description
"armor" boolean Enable ASCII-armored output. Disabled by default.
"hash" string Set hash algorithm used during signature calculation.
"creation_time" integer Set signature creation time in seconds since Jan, 1 1970 UTC. By default current time is used.
"expiration_time" integer Set signature expiration time in seconds since the creation time. 0 value is used to mark signature as non-expiring (default value).

Valeurs de retour

Cleartext signed message containing source data with additional headers and ASCII-armored signature on success ou false si une erreur survient.

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