PHP Velho Oeste 2024

Migration de PHP 7.1.x vers PHP 7.2.x


Cette nouvelle version mineure apporte un certain nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités et quelques incompatibilités qui devraient être testées avant de changer les versions PHP dans les environnements de production.

Voir aussi les guides de migration entre les différentes versions de PHP 7.0.x et 7.1.x.

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

6 years ago
Pascal is correct. each() can still be used however it is not advised as it is likely to be removed in the next major version. Deprecated does not mean you cannot use it anymore, it's merely 'marked' as to be removed in the future.
6 years ago
each() can still be used with php 7.2 as it is deprecated only.
arorakartik4 at gmail dot com
6 years ago
each() function has been deprecated. So, it cannot be used in PHP 7.2, instead use foreach() function.
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