
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ReflectionParameter::allowsNullVérifie si la valeur null est autorisée comme valeur du paramètre


public ReflectionParameter::allowsNull(): bool

Vérifie si la valeur null est autorisée comme valeur du paramètre.

Liste de paramètres

Cette fonction ne contient aucun paramètre.

Valeurs de retour

true si la valeur null est autorisée comme valeur du paramètre, false sinon.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

Geoffrey LAURENT
11 years ago
The allowsNull method look if arguments have a type.
If a type is defined, null is allowed only if default value is null.

function myfunction ( $param ) {

echo (new
ReflectionFunction("myfunction"))->getParameters()[0]->allowsNull() ? "true":"false";


Result : true

function myfunction ( stdClass $param ) {

echo (new
ReflectionFunction("myfunction"))->getParameters()[0]->allowsNull() ? "true":"false";


Result : false

function myfunction ( stdClass $param = null ) {

echo (new
ReflectionFunction("myfunction"))->getParameters()[0]->allowsNull() ? "true":"false";

Result : true
tuncdan dot ozdemir dot peng at gmail dot com
10 months ago
Please note that `mixed` type parameter also returns true, as `null` is part of the `mixed` union.

And there does not have to be a default `null` value for `->allowsNull()` to return true.

function test (AnyType|null $param1, mixed $param2) {}

Both parameters from the function above will return true for `allowsNull()`.
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