

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

DateTime::sub -- date_sub Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from a DateTime object


Stile orientato agli oggetti

public DateTime::sub(DateInterval $interval): DateTime

Stile procedurale

date_sub(DateTime $object, DateInterval $interval): DateTime

Modifies the specified DateTime object, by subtracting the specified DateInterval object.

Like DateTimeImmutable::sub() but works with DateTime.

The procedural version takes the DateTime object as its first argument.

Elenco dei parametri


Solo per lo stile procedurale: Un oggetto DateTime restituito da date_create(). La funzione modifica questo oggetto.


A DateInterval object

Valori restituiti

Returns the modified DateTime object for method chaining.


Object Orientated API only: If an unsupported operation is attempted, such as using a DateInterval object representing relative time specifications such as next weekday, a DateInvalidOperationException is thrown.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.3.0 Now throws a DateInvalidOperationException with DateTime::sub(), instead of a warning when an unsupported operation is attempted. date_sub() has not been changed.

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

13 years ago
Note that the sub() and add() methods will modify the value of the object you're calling the method on! This is very untypical for a method that returns a value of its own type. You could misunderstand it that the method would return a new instance with the modified value, but in fact it modifies itself! This is undocumented here. (Only a side note on procedural style mentions it, but it obviously does not apply to object oriented style.)
man13or at hotmail dot fr
5 years ago
CAUTION: Never subtract months from the current day, always do so from the 1st of the month.
Let us imagine that it is May 31, 2019, so 2019-05-31, the function will not give 2019-04-31 because April is not 31 days old but 30, it will create problems.
david_newey at cable dot comcast dot com
6 years ago
As noted above when subtracting months, results can be suspect. I needed to create an array of end of month dates for 6 months starting at Oct and going back.  Using:

//Instantiate array
$dateset = [];

//Create new date object
$date = new \DateTime('2018-10-31);
//Add to array
$dateset[] = $date->format('

//Go back 5 months
$nbr = 6;
for($i = 1; $i < $nbr; $i++){
    $date->sub(new \DateInterval('
    $dateset[] = $date->format('

Results in:

array:6 [▼
  0 => "2018-10-31"
  1 => "2018-10-01"
  2 => "2018-09-01"
  3 => "2018-08-01"
  4 => "2018-07-01"
  5 => "2018-06-01"

However, using ->modify("last day of last month") accurately gives month ending dates:


//Instantiate array
$dateset = [];

//Create new date object
$date = new \DateTime('
//Add to array
$dateset[] = $date->format('Y-m-d');

//Go back 5 months
$nbr = 6;
$i = 1; $i < $nbr; $i++){
$date->modify('last day of last month');
$dateset[] = $date->format('Y-m-d');

Results in:

array:6 [▼
  0 => "2018-10-31"
  1 => "2018-09-30"
  2 => "2018-08-31"
  3 => "2018-07-31"
  4 => "2018-06-30"
  5 => "2018-05-31"
info at mobger dot de
4 years ago
Remark, that calculations on date are not defined as bijective operations.  The Summertime is integrated by mixing two concepts. You should test it beforehead.

Datetime will correct a date after each summation, if a date (29.2.2021 => 1.3.2021) or a datetime (29.3.2020 2:30 am (Europe/Berlin) => 29.3.2020 3:30 or 29.3.2020 1:30)


= date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2020-04-12 12:00:00', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));
$interval = new DateInterval('PT20761M');
'recalc '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");
'easter '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n" );

$expectEaster = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2020-04-12 12:00:00', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));
$interval = new DateInterval('PT20760M');
'recalc '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");
'easter '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");

$expectEaster = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2020-04-12 12:00:00', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));
$interval = new DateInterval('PT20701M');
'recalc '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");
'easter '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");

$expectEaster = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2020-04-12 12:00:00', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));
$interval = new DateInterval('PT20700M');
'recalc '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");
'easter '.$expectEaster->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");

// Result
// recalc 2020-03-29 00:59:00  // reduce the missing hour before you calcuclate the datetime
// easter 2020-04-12 11:00:00  // recalcultate the date and remove the missing hour
// recalc 2020-03-29 03:00:00  //because 2020-03-29 3:00:00 [it means 2020-03-29 2:00:00] does not exist add 60 min)
// easter 2020-04-12 13:00:00 
// recalc 2020-03-29 03:59:00 // -(12*60+(11+2)*1440+21*60) = -(20701 min) =  = 29.3.2020 2:59(not exist => no-equivalent add of one hour) =>  29.3.2020 3:59
// easter 2020-04-12 13:00:00 // Recalc add 60 minutes, because the hour does not exist.)
// recalc 2020-03-29 03:00:00 // -(12*60+(11+2)*1440+21*60 min)= -(20700 min) = 29.3.2020 3:00
// easter 2020-04-12 12:00:00 // +(12*60+(11+2)*1440+21*60 min)= +(20700 min) = 29.3.2020
10 years ago
When trying to pass daylight saving state change time, sub() works incorrectly.

$t = new DateTime( '2014-03-30 02:00:00' );
$t->add( new DateInterval('PT1H') );
echo $->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

output will be: '2014-03-30 04:00:00'.

Well, it's ok because at 3:00 a.m. daylight saving time begins in my country, so after  02:59:59 must be 04:00:00.

But if I try to subtract time:

$t = new DateTime( '2014-03-30 04:00:00' );
$t->sub( new DateInterval('PT1H') );
echo $->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

output will be: '2014-03-30 04:00:00'.

Yes, completely the same, not '2014-03-30 02:00:00' as it should be.
php at keith tyler dot com
14 years ago
If you use diff() after sub(), the effects of the sub() will be repeated on the date object.

It doesn't matter if the object is the one diffed or doing the diffing (i.e. which object you call diff() from).

= new DateTime();
$newdate = new DateTime();

$newdate->sub(new DateInterval("PT1S"));
$s = $newdate->diff($today);
$s = $today->diff($newdate);
$s = $today->diff($newdate);


DateTime Object
    [date] => 2010-11-30 18:43:48
    [timezone_type] => 3
    [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles
DateTime Object
    [date] => 2010-11-30 18:43:47
    [timezone_type] => 3
    [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles
DateTime Object
    [date] => 2010-11-30 18:43:46
    [timezone_type] => 3
    [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles
DateTime Object
    [date] => 2010-11-30 18:43:45
    [timezone_type] => 3
    [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles
DateTime Object
    [date] => 2010-11-30 18:43:44
    [timezone_type] => 3
    [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles

Note that using add() instead of sub() does NOT have the same effect.

This is particularly undesirable -- in this example you make a datetime, use sub() to make it a relative time in the past, and then date->diff() to confirm the difference. But the diff() inadvertendly makes the difference 2x.
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