
(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, dbase 5, dbase 7)

dbase_get_record_with_names Estrae un record da un database dBase come un array associativo


dbase_get_record_with_names(int $dbase_identifier, int $record): array

Restituisce i dati da record in un array associativo. L'array include anche un membro associativo chiamato 'deleted' che è settato a 1 se il record è stato marcato per la cancellazione (vedere dbase_delete_record()).

Ogni campo è convertito all'appropriato tipo PHP, Fanno eccezione:

  • Le date, che sono lasciate come stringhe.
  • Gli interi che avrebbero causato un overflow (> 32 bits) sono restituiti come stringhe.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

19 years ago
I would like to emphasize that record numbers begin with 1, not 0. So, this is wrong:
= dbase_numrecords($fh);
for (
$recNum = 0; $recNum < $recCnt; $recNum++) {
// wrong! first record will fail
$record = dbase_get_record_with_names($fh, $recNum);

This is right:

= dbase_numrecords($fh);
for (
$recNum = 1; $recNum <= $recCnt; $recNum++) {
// right! record #s begin with 1, don't forget <=
$record = dbase_get_record_with_names($fh, $recNum);
19 years ago
$foo_db = dbase_open ( 'foo.dbf', 0);

if ($foo_db) {
  $rn = dbase_numrecords($foo_db);

  echo "Record 0: ";
  $test = dbase_get_record_with_names($foo_db, 0);
  echo $test['deleted'] . " FOO BAR: '" . $test['BAR'] . "'\n";

  echo "Record n+1: ";
  $test = dbase_get_record_with_names($foo_db, $rn+1);
  echo $test['deleted'] . " FOO BAR: '" . $test['BAR'] . "'\n";



Record 0: 0 FOO BAR: ' '

Record n+1:
Warning: Tried to read bad record 30 in ./DisplayAccounts.php on line 21

0 is not an error record, it's just empty - and actually, not quite empty, as you see BAR got a single space.
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