
(PECL ps >= 1.1.0)

ps_set_parameterSets certain parameters


ps_set_parameter(resource $psdoc, string $name, string $value): bool

Sets several parameters which are used by many functions. Parameters are by definition string values.

Elenco dei parametri


Resource identifier of the postscript file as returned by ps_new().


For a list of possible names see ps_get_parameter().


The value of the parameter.

Valori restituiti

Restituisce true in caso di successo, false in caso di fallimento.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

php at catchall dot toao dot net
15 years ago
Note that when setting a parameter such as "true" or "false", in this case "true" and "false" are strings.
Correct syntax would be:
<?php ps_set_parameter($ps, "linebreak", "true"); ?>
This does NOT work:
<?php ps_set_parameter($ps, "linebreak", true); ?>
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