
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

timezone_version_get Gets the version of the timezonedb


timezone_version_get(): string

Returns the current version of the timezonedb.

Elenco dei parametri

Questa funzione non contiene parametri.

Valori restituiti

Returns a string in the format YYYY.increment, such as 2022.2.

If you have a timezone database version that is old (for example, it doesn't show the current year), then you can update the timezone information by either upgrading your PHP version, or installing the » timezonedb PECL package.

Some Linux distributions patch PHP's date/time support to use an alternative source for timezone information. In which case this function will return 0.system. You are encouraged to install the » timezonedb PECL package in that case as well.


Example #1 Getting the timezonedb version

echo timezone_version_get();

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

13 years ago
On Ubutu:
If you get 0.system for the version, this means you have the version that PHP shipped with. For a newer version, you must upgrade via the PECL extension (sudo pecl install timezonedb)

chupaka at gmail dot com
3 years ago
On Ubuntu:
If you get '0.system' for the version, this means PHP is using system version of timezone database. For a newer version, simply upgrade 'tzdata' package without installing any PECL extensions:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tzdata
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