
(PECL win32service >=0.1.0)

win32_start_serviceStarts a service


win32_start_service(string $servicename, string $machine = ?): void

Attempts to start the named service. Requires administrative privileges or an account with appropriate rights set in the service's ACL.

Elenco dei parametri


The short name of the service.


Optional machine name. If omitted, the local machine is used.

Valori restituiti

Nessun valore viene restituito.

Prior to version 1.0.0, returned WIN32_NO_ERROR on success, false if there is a problem with the parameters or a Win32 Error Code on failure.


A ValueError is thrown if the value of servicename parameter is empty.

A Win32ServiceException is thrown on error.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
PECL win32service 1.0.0 Throws a ValueError on invalid data in parameters, previously false was returned.
PECL win32service 1.0.0 Throws a Win32ServiceException on error, previously a Win32 Error Code was returned.
PECL win32service 1.0.0 The return type is now void, previously it was mixed.
PECL win32service 0.3.0 This function does not longer require an administrator account if ACL is set for another account.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

gunday at poczta dot onet dot pl
16 years ago
If you get a 1053 error when trying to launch your service, check your service script for errors!

E.g. if you have some syntax errors, the service will attempt to run the php interpreter, but the script won't answer to the service manager with

Don't think it is because the call comes to late. It just never came, because there were errors. Test your services with CLI php and then try to run the service.
edo888 at gmail dot com
14 years ago
[This] can solve 1053 issue.
You just need to add " if you have spaces in your path...

'service' => 'COMPLAINTS',                 # the name of your service
'display' => 'Receive email complaints and direct them to the website', # description
'params' => '"' . __FILE__ . '"' . ' run', # path to the script and parameters
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