
This extension requires the GeoIP C library version 1.4.0 or higher to be installed. You can grab the latest version from » and compile it yourself.

By default, you will only have access to the Free GeoIP Country or GeoLite City databases. While this module can work with other types of database, you must buy a commercial license from » Maxmind.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

patrick arobas cartefoi point net
8 years ago
You can also enjoy a free database from maxmind.  Only the acuracy change.  But GeoLite acuracy will, for sure, be acurate enough for most of your projects.
Its name is:  GeoLite

Vous pouvez aussi profiter d'une base de données que MaxMind offre gratuitement:  GeoLite  Seule la précision est moindre, mais la précision de GeoLite suffira à la plupart de vos projets.
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