PHP Installer Tools on Windows

PHP Install Tools

» XAMPP, WampServer and BitNami will setup PHP applications for use with Apache on Windows.

Setting up and configuring Nginx on Windows requires a bit more configuration. See the » Nginx documentation for additional setup help.

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

karlcoupons127 at gmail dot com
1 year ago
I had success installing PHP on windows with chocolatey, the package manager for windows. As of this comment, the version choco provided was 8.2.7, which is the latest.

One command from an elevated powershell: 'choco install php'
11 months ago
Highly suggest installing winget from the Windows Store (Called "App Installer" there) and using `winget install php` from the terminal. Easiest way in my opinion
v4ri4bl3 at gmail dot com
2 years ago
Install using Windows Terminal (or PowerShell):

  > winget install xampp
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