
(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

IntlBreakIterator::getPartsIteratorCreate iterator for navigating fragments between boundaries


public IntlBreakIterator::getPartsIterator(string $type = IntlPartsIterator::KEY_SEQUENTIAL): IntlPartsIterator


Questa funzione, al momento non è documentata; è disponibile soltanto la lista degli argomenti.

Elenco dei parametri


Optional key type. Possible values are:

  • IntlPartsIterator::KEY_SEQUENTIAL - The default. Sequentially increasing integers used as key.
  • IntlPartsIterator::KEY_LEFT - Byte offset left of current part used as key.
  • IntlPartsIterator::KEY_RIGHT - Byte offset right of current part used as key.

Valori restituiti

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