
The JSON extension is bundled and compiled into PHP by default.

As of PHP 8.0.0, the JSON extension is a core PHP extension, so it is always enabled.

Informazioni per l'installazione di questa estensione PECL possono essere trovate nel capitolo del manuale intitolato Installazione delle estensioni PECL. Informazioni aggiuntive come nuove release, download, file sorgenti, informazioni del manutentore e un CHANGELOG possono essere trovate qui: »

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

ferenczy at NOSPAM dot volny dot cz
10 years ago
On Ubuntu 13.10 you have to install this extension first (PHP 5.5.3):

   apt-get install php5-json

(Don't forget to restart web server.)
4 years ago
even though the manual says the json extension is enabled by default and compiled into the core, I had to do a "yum install php-json" on centos 8 running php 7.2
10 years ago
on CentOS php 5.5.13 had to:
yum install php55u-pecl-jsonc php55u-pecl-jsonc-devel
dave at davidhbrown dot us
15 years ago
On one server I use (FreeBSD 6.3; PHP 5.2.6 as module in Apache 2.2.10), PHP was compiled with the '--disable-all' configuration option. Consequently, there exists a secondary configuration file -- /usr/local/php5/etc/extensions.ini -- in which the line


must be uncommented (delete the semicolon) and Apache restarted for these functions to be available.
cko at audaxis dot com
13 years ago
On gentoo, need the USE flag "json" to compile into php
haebler at gmail dot com
13 years ago
On RHEL5/CentOS5 add the EPEL repository (

After that, installation is as simple as:

    sudo yum install php-pecl-json
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