
(PHP 8)

PhpToken::isTells whether the token is of given kind.


public PhpToken::is(int|string|array $kind): bool

Tells whether the token is of given kind.

Elenco dei parametri


Either a single value to match the token's id or textual content, or an array thereof.

Valori restituiti

A boolean value whether the token is of given kind.


Example #1 PhpToken::is() example

= new PhpToken(T_ECHO, 'echo');
var_dump($token->is(T_ECHO)); // -> bool(true)
var_dump($token->is('echo')); // -> bool(true)
var_dump($token->is(T_FOREACH)); // -> bool(false)
var_dump($token->is('foreach')); // -> bool(false)

Example #2 Usage with array

function isClassType(PhpToken $token): bool {
$token->is([T_CLASS, T_INTERFACE, T_TRAIT]);

$interface = new PhpToken(T_INTERFACE, 'interface');
var_dump(isClassType($interface)); // -> bool(true)

$function = new PhpToken(T_FUNCTION, 'function');
var_dump(isClassType($function)); // -> bool(false)

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