
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ReflectionClass::newInstanceCreates a new class instance from given arguments


public ReflectionClass::newInstance(mixed ...$args): object

Creates a new instance of the class. The given arguments are passed to the class constructor.

Elenco dei parametri


Accepts a variable number of arguments which are passed to the class constructor, much like call_user_func().

Valori restituiti


A ReflectionException if the class constructor is not public.

A ReflectionException if the class does not have a constructor and the args parameter contains one or more parameters.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

glen at delfi dot ee
8 years ago
looks like reflection class newInstance creates in memory representation of code where values are used, so using reference as constructor signature, you can not use this method.

as  the same input if called via new, or new $class works, but not via reflection:

class a {
     public function __construct(&$a, $c) {

// this works
$A = new stdClass();
$a = new a($A, 11);

// also this works
$classname = "a";
$a = new $classname($A, 10);

// but this fails:
$r = new ReflectionClass("a");
$r->newInstance($A, 10);

PHP Warning:  Parameter 1 to a::__construct() expected to be a reference, value given in reflection.php on line 15

PHP Warning:  ReflectionClass::newInstance(): Invocation of a's constructor failed in reflection.php on line 15
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