Costanti predefinite

Queste costanti sono definite da questa estensione e sono disponibili solo se l'estensione è stata compilata nel PHP o se è stata caricata dinamicamente a runtime.

ZipArchive uses class constants. There are various types of constants, main are: Flags (prefixed with FL_), Global flags (prefixed with AFL_), errors (prefixed with ER_) and mode (no prefix).

Archive open modes
ZipArchive::CREATE (int)
Create the archive if it does not exist.
ZipArchive::OVERWRITE (int)
If archive exists, ignore its current contents. In other words, handle it the same way as an empty archive.
ZipArchive::EXCL (int)
Error if archive already exists.
ZipArchive::RDONLY (int)
Open archive in read only mode. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.17.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.0.0.
ZipArchive::CHECKCONS (int)
Perform additional consistency checks on the archive, and error if they fail.
Archive global flags
ZipArchive::AFL_RDONLY (int)
Archive is read only, cannot be cleared. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.10.0.
ZipArchive::AFL_IS_TORRENTZIP (int)
Current archive is torrentzipped. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.10.0.
Write archive in torrentzip format. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.10.0.
Don't remove file if archive is empty. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.10.0.
Archive flags
ZipArchive::FL_NOCASE (int)
Ignore case on name lookup
ZipArchive::FL_NODIR (int)
Ignore directory component
ZipArchive::FL_COMPRESSED (int)
Read compressed data
ZipArchive::FL_UNCHANGED (int)
Use original data, ignoring changes.
ZipArchive::FL_RECOMPRESS (int)
Force recompression of data. Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.18.0. Deprecated as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.1, will be removed in a future version of libzip.
ZipArchive::FL_ENCRYPTED (int)
Read encrypted data (implies FL_COMPRESSED). Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.18.0.
ZipArchive::FL_OVERWRITE (int)
If file with name exists, overwrite (replace) it. Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.18.0.
ZipArchive::FL_LOCAL (int)
In local header. Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.18.0.
ZipArchive::FL_CENTRAL (int)
In central directory. Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.18.0.
ZipArchive::FL_ENC_GUESS (int)
Guess string encoding (is default). Available as of PHP 7.0.8.
ZipArchive::FL_ENC_RAW (int)
Get unmodified string. Available as of PHP 7.0.8.
ZipArchive::FL_ENC_STRICT (int)
Follow specification strictly. Available as of PHP 7.0.8.
ZipArchive::FL_ENC_UTF_8 (int)
String is UTF-8 encoded. Available as of PHP 7.0.8.
ZipArchive::FL_ENC_CP437 (int)
String is CP437 encoded. Available as of PHP 7.0.8.
ZipArchive::FL_OPEN_FILE_NOW (int)
Open the file when added instead of waiting for archive to be closed. Be aware of file descriptors consumption. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.1.
Compression modes
ZipArchive::CM_DEFAULT (int)
better of deflate or store.
ZipArchive::CM_STORE (int)
stored (uncompressed).
ZipArchive::CM_SHRINK (int)
ZipArchive::CM_REDUCE_1 (int)
reduced with factor 1
ZipArchive::CM_REDUCE_2 (int)
reduced with factor 2
ZipArchive::CM_REDUCE_3 (int)
reduced with factor 3
ZipArchive::CM_REDUCE_4 (int)
reduced with factor 4
ZipArchive::CM_IMPLODE (int)
ZipArchive::CM_DEFLATE (int)
ZipArchive::CM_DEFLATE64 (int)
ZipArchive::CM_PKWARE_IMPLODE (int)
PKWARE imploding
ZipArchive::CM_BZIP2 (int)
BZIP2 algorithm
ZipArchive::CM_LZMA (int)
LZMA algorithm
ZipArchive::CM_LZMA2 (int)
LZMA2 algorithm. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.6.0.
ZipArchive::CM_ZSTD (int)
Zstandard algorithm. Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.19.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.8.0.
ZipArchive::CM_XZ (int)
XZ algorithm. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.6.0.
ZipArchive::CM_TERSE (int)
ZipArchive::CM_LZ77 (int)
ZipArchive::CM_WAVPACK (int)
ZipArchive::CM_PPMD (int)
ZipArchive::ER_OK (int)
No error.
ZipArchive::ER_MULTIDISK (int)
Multi-disk zip archives not supported.
ZipArchive::ER_RENAME (int)
Renaming temporary file failed.
ZipArchive::ER_CLOSE (int)
Closing zip archive failed
ZipArchive::ER_SEEK (int)
Seek error
ZipArchive::ER_READ (int)
Read error
ZipArchive::ER_WRITE (int)
Write error
ZipArchive::ER_CRC (int)
CRC error
ZipArchive::ER_ZIPCLOSED (int)
Containing zip archive was closed
ZipArchive::ER_NOENT (int)
No such file.
ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS (int)
File already exists
ZipArchive::ER_OPEN (int)
Can't open file
ZipArchive::ER_TMPOPEN (int)
Failure to create temporary file.
ZipArchive::ER_ZLIB (int)
Zlib error
ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY (int)
Memory allocation failure
ZipArchive::ER_CHANGED (int)
Entry has been changed
ZipArchive::ER_COMPNOTSUPP (int)
Compression method not supported.
ZipArchive::ER_EOF (int)
Premature EOF
ZipArchive::ER_INVAL (int)
Invalid argument
ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP (int)
Not a zip archive
ZipArchive::ER_INTERNAL (int)
Internal error
ZipArchive::ER_INCONS (int)
Zip archive inconsistent
ZipArchive::ER_REMOVE (int)
Can't remove file
ZipArchive::ER_DELETED (int)
Entry has been deleted
ZipArchive::ER_ENCRNOTSUPP (int)
Encryption method not supported. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively.
ZipArchive::ER_RDONLY (int)
Read-only archive. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively.
ZipArchive::ER_NOPASSWD (int)
No password provided. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively.
ZipArchive::ER_WRONGPASSWD (int)
Wrong password provided. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively.
ZipArchive::ER_OPNOTSUPP (int)
Operation not supported. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.0.0.
ZipArchive::ER_INUSE (int)
Resource still in use. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.0.0.
ZipArchive::ER_TELL (int)
Tell error. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.0.0.
ZipArchive::ER_COMPRESSED_DATA (int)
Compressed data invalid. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.6.0.
ZipArchive::ER_CANCELLED (int)
Operation cancelled. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.1, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.6.0.
ZipArchive::ER_DATA_LENGTH (int)
Unexpected length of data. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.10.0.
ZipArchive::ER_NOT_ALLOWED (int)
Not allowed in torrentzip. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.10.0.
Encryption modes
ZipArchive::EM_NONE (int)
No encryption. Available as of PHP 7.2.0 and PECL zip 1.14.0, respectively.
ZipArchive::EM_TRAD_PKWARE (int)
Traditional PKWARE encryption. Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.19.0, respectively.
ZipArchive::EM_AES_128 (int)
AES 128 encryption. Available as of PHP 7.2.0 and PECL zip 1.14.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.2.0.
ZipArchive::EM_AES_192 (int)
AES 192 encryption. Available as of PHP 7.2.0 and PECL zip 1.14.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.2.0.
ZipArchive::EM_AES_256 (int)
AES 256 encryption. Available as of PHP 7.2.0 and PECL zip 1.14.0, respectively, if built against libzip ≥ 1.2.0.
ZipArchive::EM_UNKNOWN (int)
Unknown encryption algorithm. Available as of PHP 8.0.0 and PECL zip 1.19.0, respectively.
Length parameter constants
ZipArchive::LENGTH_TO_END (int)
Use file size, if the file grows additionnal data is ignored, if the file shrinks an error is raised (ZipArchive::ER_DATA_LENGTH). Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.2.
ZipArchive::LENGTH_UNCHECKED (int)
Use all available data. Available as of PHP 8.3.0 and PECL zip 1.22.2, if built against libzip ≥ 1.10.1.
Other constants
ZipArchive::LIBZIP_VERSION (string)
Zip library version. Available as of PHP 7.4.3 and PECL zip 1.16.0.
Operating system constants for external attributes
ZipArchive::OPSYS_DOS (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_AMIGA (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_OPENVMS (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_UNIX (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_VM_CMS (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_ATARI_ST (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_OS_2 (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_MACINTOSH (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_Z_SYSTEM (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_CPM (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_WINDOWS_NTFS (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_MVS (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_VSE (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_ACORN_RISC (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_VFAT (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_BEOS (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_TANDEM (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_OS_400 (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_OS_X (int)
ZipArchive::OPSYS_DEFAULT (int)
Since PECL zip 1.12.4
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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

scott at bluecamel dot eml dot cc
16 years ago
#define ZIP_ER_OK             0  /* N No error */
#define ZIP_ER_MULTIDISK      1  /* N Multi-disk zip archives not supported */
#define ZIP_ER_RENAME         2  /* S Renaming temporary file failed */
#define ZIP_ER_CLOSE          3  /* S Closing zip archive failed */
#define ZIP_ER_SEEK           4  /* S Seek error */
#define ZIP_ER_READ           5  /* S Read error */
#define ZIP_ER_WRITE          6  /* S Write error */
#define ZIP_ER_CRC            7  /* N CRC error */
#define ZIP_ER_ZIPCLOSED      8  /* N Containing zip archive was closed */
#define ZIP_ER_NOENT          9  /* N No such file */
#define ZIP_ER_EXISTS        10  /* N File already exists */
#define ZIP_ER_OPEN          11  /* S Can't open file */
#define ZIP_ER_TMPOPEN       12  /* S Failure to create temporary file */
#define ZIP_ER_ZLIB          13  /* Z Zlib error */
#define ZIP_ER_MEMORY        14  /* N Malloc failure */
#define ZIP_ER_CHANGED       15  /* N Entry has been changed */
#define ZIP_ER_COMPNOTSUPP   16  /* N Compression method not supported */
#define ZIP_ER_EOF           17  /* N Premature EOF */
#define ZIP_ER_INVAL         18  /* N Invalid argument */
#define ZIP_ER_NOZIP         19  /* N Not a zip archive */
#define ZIP_ER_INTERNAL      20  /* N Internal error */
#define ZIP_ER_INCONS        21  /* N Zip archive inconsistent */
#define ZIP_ER_REMOVE        22  /* S Can't remove file */
#define ZIP_ER_DELETED       23  /* N Entry has been deleted */
ohcc at 163 dot com
8 years ago
0    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OK     没有错误。
1    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_MULTIDISK    不支持多磁盘zip压缩包。
2    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_RENAME    重命名临时文件失败。
3    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CLOSE    关闭zip压缩包失败。
4    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_SEEK    寻址错误
5    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_READ    读取错误
8    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_ZIPCLOSED    zip压缩包已关闭
10    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_EXISTS    文件已经存在
11    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OPEN    不能打开文件
12    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_TMPOPEN    创建临时文件失败
13    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_ZLIB    Zlib错误
14    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_MEMORY    内存分配失败
15    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CHANGED    条目已被改变
18    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INVAL    无效的参数
19    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_NOZIP    不是一个zip压缩包
21    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INCONS    Zip压缩包不一致
22    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_REMOVE    不能移除文件
23    ZIPARCHIVE::ER_DELETED    条目已被删除
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