If your expression returns a node set, you will get a DOMNodeList instead of a typed result. Instead, try modifying your expression from "//node[1]" to "string(//node[1])".
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)
DOMXPath::evaluate — 与えられた XPath 式を評価し、可能であれば結果を返す
, ?DOMNode $contextNode
= null
, bool $registerNodeNS
= true
): mixed
与えられた XPath 式 expression
実行する XPath 式。
相対 XPath クエリを実行する場合に、オプションで基準ノードを指定することが可能です。 デフォルトでは、クエリは root 要素に対する相対パスとなります。
コンテキストノードのスコープ内の名前空間を、DOMXPath オブジェクトに自動登録するかどうか。 このオプションを使うと、スコープ内の名前空間ごとに、手動で DOMXPath::registerNamespace() をコールする必要がなくなります。 名前空間のプレフィックスが衝突した場合は、直近の子孫の名前空間プレフィックスのみが登録されます。
可能であれば型付けされた結果、あるいは指定された XPath 式
DOMNodeList を返します。
DOMXPath::evaluate() は false
例1 英語の書籍の数を取得する
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$tbody = $doc->getElementsByTagName('tbody')->item(0);
// tbody ノードを基準とした相対クエリとなります
$query = 'count(row/entry[. = "en"])';
$entries = $xpath->evaluate($query, $tbody);
echo "There are $entries english books\n";
There are 2 english books
If your expression returns a node set, you will get a DOMNodeList instead of a typed result. Instead, try modifying your expression from "//node[1]" to "string(//node[1])".
Note that this method does not provide any means to distinguish between a successful result that returns FALSE and an error.
For example, this will succeed and return FALSE:
<?php $xpath->evaluate("1 = 0"); ?>
One workaround when you know you are expecting a Boolean is to wrap the result with string(). e.g.
<?php $xpath->evaluate("string(1 = 0)"); ?>
This will return a string "false" on success, or the Boolean FALSE on error.
this class can substitute the method evaluate while it is not validated. Made for Yuri Bastos and Jo�o Gilberto Magalh�es.
class XPtahQuery
// function returns a DOMNodeList from a relative xPath
public static function selectNodes($pNode, $xPath)
$pos = strpos(self::getFullXpath($pNode),"/",1);
$xPathQuery = substr(self::getFullXpath($pNode),$pos);//to paste /#document[1]/
$xPathQueryFull = $xPathQuery. $xPath;
$domXPath = new DOMXPath($pNode->ownerDocument);
$rNodeList = $domXPath->query($xPathQueryFull);
return $rNodeList;
// function returns a DOMNode from a xPath from other DOMNode
public static function selectSingleNode($pNode, $xPath)
$pos = strpos(self::getFullXpath($pNode),"/",1);
$xPathQuery = substr(self::getFullXpath($pNode),$pos);//to paste /#document[1]/
$xPathQueryFull = $xPathQuery. $xPath;
$domXPath = new DOMXPath($pNode->ownerDocument);
$rNode = $domXPath->query($xPathQueryFull)->item(0);
return $rNode;
//utilitaries functions off selectSingleNode
private function getNodePos($pNode, $nodeName)
if($pNode == null)
return 0;
$var = 0;
if ($pNode->previousSibling != null)
if ($pNode->previousSibling->nodeName == $nodeName)
$var = 1;
return self::getNodePos($pNode->previousSibling, $nodeName) + $var;
//utilitaries functions off selectSingleNode
private function getFullXpath($pNode)
if($pNode == null)
return "";
return self::getFullXpath($pNode->parentNode) . "/" . $pNode->nodeName . "[" .strval(self::getNodePos($pNode, $pNode->nodeName)+1) . "]";//+1 to get the real xPath index
To query DOMNodes by their HTML classes, use such snippet
// CssClassXPathSelector
function ccxs($class) {
return '[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " ' . $class . ' ")]';
// then just
$domitems = $this->xpath("//*[@id='searchResultsRows']//a" . ccxs('listing_row'));
The only way how to distinguish FALSE returned value from syntax error FALSE is to re-run the XPath expression wrapped in string() function. If must return empty string. If it returns FALSE again then it is an error.
$ret=$this->xp->evaluate($eval, $context);
// Error detection: DOMXPath::evaluate() returns FALSE on error
// so does DOMXPath::evaluate("boolean(/nothing)")
// @workaround webdevelopers.eu
if ($ret === false && $this->xp->evaluate("string($eval)", $context) === false) {
throw new Exception("Invalid XPath expression ".json_encode($eval), 3491);