PHP Velho Oeste 2024


(PECL SDO >= 0.5.0)

SCA::getService Obtain a proxy for a service


mixed SCA::getService ( string $target [, string $binding [, array $config ]] )

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Examine the target and initialize and return a proxy of the appropriate sort. If the target is for a local PHP component the returned proxy will be an SCA_LocalProxy. If the target is for a WSDL file, the returned proxy will be a SCA_SoapProxy.



An absolute or relative path to the target service or service description (e.g. a URL to a json-rpc service description, a PHP component, a WSDL file, and so on.). A relative path, if specified, is resolved relative to the location of the script issuing the getService() call, and not against the include_path or current working directory.


The binding (i.e. protocol) to use to communicate with the service (e.g binding.jsonrpc for a json-rpc service). Note, some service types can be deduced from the target parameter (e.g. if the target parameter ends in .wsdl then SCA will assume binding.soap). Any binding which can be specified in an annotation can be specified here. For example 'binding.soap' is equivalent to the '@binding.soap' annotation.


Any additional configuration properties for the binding (e.g. array('location' => '')). Any binding configuration which can be specified in an annotation can be specified here. For example, 'location' is equivalent to the '@location' annotation to configure the location of a target soap service.


The SCA_LocalProxy or SCA_SoapProxy.


Example #1 An SCA::getService() example

This example shows how to get a proxy to an email soap service described by EmailService.wsdl and located at

include 'SCA/SCA.php';
$service SCA::getService('EmailService.wsdl''binding.soap', array('location' => ''));

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