
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PECL odbtp >= 1.1.1)

mssql_fetch_arrayRetorna uma linha como uma matriz associativa, matriz numérica ou ambas


mssql_fetch_array ( resource $result [, int $result_type ] ) : array

mssql_fetch_array() é uma versão estendida de mssql_fetch_row(). Alem de guardar os dados em uma matriz com índices numéricos, também guarda os dados em uma matriz associativa, usando os nomes dos campos como chave.

Uma coisa importante para notar é que usar mssql_fetch_array() NÃO é significativamente mais lento do que usar mssql_fetch_row(), enquanto que é mais fácil de usar.



O resource do resultado que está sendo avaliado. Este resultado vem de uma chamada a mssql_query().


O tipo de array a ser obtido. Você pode usar umas das seguintes constante: MSSQL_ASSOC, MSSQL_NUM, e o valor padrão é MSSQL_BOTH.

Valor Retornado

Retorna um array que corresponde a linha obtida, ou FALSE se não houver mais linhas.


Nota: Nomes de campos nesta função diferenciam maiúsculas e minusculas.

Nota: Esta função assimila campos NULL para o o NULL do PHP.

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User Contributed Notes 13 notes

blood - demon at gmx dot net
17 years ago
Note that if you fetch varchar fields larger than 255 letters the result will be cut off at 255 letters.

To prevent this you have to do a CONVERT(TEXT,data_field) for this fields in your select clause.
17 years ago
Calling this function with the option second parameter is causing a "Wrong parameter count" message. If you run into this problem, you can get the same effect by calling different functions:

mssql_fetch_array: MSSQL_BOTH
mssql_fetch_assoc: MSSQL_ASSOC
mssql_fetch_row: MSSQL_NUM
hackajar matt yahoo trot com
21 years ago
from php-dev mailing list article -
#26012 [Bgs]: mssql_fetch_array

"Previously mssql data was always rtrimed, however that's wrong because it modifies the original data. This caused a problem for people who needed those trailing space. Ultimately, the job of database extension is to fetch the data as is (like other db extensions already do) and not to mangle it in any way."

moving from <4.3.4 to a higher version you will have this now:

$query = "Select dumb_spaces from dbo.table where weak_sause = 'true'";
$result = mssql_query($query) or die("Spicy Sause! Query = $query");

while($line = mssql_fetch_array($result, MSSQL_ASSOC) {
     foreach($line as $bs_trim) {
          //Trim whitespace from end of query
          $bs_trim = rtrim($bs_trim);
          echo "Clean!".$bs_trim;
archwisp at gmail dot com
20 years ago
[Editor's Note: NULLs *are* distinguishable from 0.  See the manual section on comparison operators. ]

microsoft sql 2000 server
php running on windows 2000

Using the $row = mssql_fetch_array($result)

A null value will return 0, this is a problem if you are using 0 and some identifier for a value.  you should convert all nulls to something like -1 or "NO VALUE"


After extensive testing, the above statements both seem to be true. You *can* distinguish between 0 and null values in PHP; however, the mssql_fetch_array function does not set null colums to the php NULL value.

if ($row['Null_Column'] === 0) { print('pass'); }

A null column passes the above test. Seems to be a bug in the function.
flatcable2000 at yahoo dot com
22 years ago
Apparently php 4.0.6 does not support the second parameter. When used the error sounds
"Wrong parameter count for mssql_fetch_array"
shaver at qspeed dot com
22 years ago
Note that the second parameter is the same as the msql version of this function ( with the constants (MSQL_ASSOC, MSQL_NUM, and MSQL_BOTH) changing to MSSQL_.

Also note that if you don't specify this parameter you'll get both the numbers and column names, which can cause some frustration.
php at bricology dot com
16 years ago
I just spent a few hours trying to get ntext data with this function, CASTing and CONVERTing every which way, and scouring the 'net. Nothing worked, I just got a NULL.

Then on a whim I tried it with mssql_fetch_row instead, and that DOES work.
chu61 dot tw at gmail dot com
17 years ago
To write Unicode (nvarchar) to SQL2000/2005 use PHP
用PHP在SQL Server 存取Unicode資料

Let's assume, we have following data table, that allows us to store unicode values (using UCS-2 encoding):

    create table mytable    (
        myfield nvarchar (100) null

Below is the code to work with:

= mssql_connect('dbhost', 'username', 'password');
mssql_select_db('database', $link);

// sending data to database
$utf8 = 'some unicode UTF-8 data'// some Greek text for example ;)
$ucs2 = iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-2LE', $utf8);

// converting UCS-2 string into "binary" hexadecimal form
$arr = unpack('H*hex', $ucs2);
$hex = "0x{$arr['hex']}";

    // please note that value must be passed without apostrophes
    // it should be "... values(0x0123456789ABCEF) ...", not "... values('0x0123456789ABCEF') ..."
mssql_query("insert into mytable (myfield) values ({$hex})", $link);

// retrieving data from database
    // please note that "varbinary" expects number of bytes
    // in this example it must be 200 (bytes), while size of field is 100 (UCS-2 chars)

$result = mssql_query("select convert(varbinary(200), myfield) from mytable", $link);

    while ((
$row = mssql_fetch_array($result, MSSQL_BOTH)))
// we get data in UCS-2
        // I use UTF-8 in my project, so I encode it back
echo(iconv('UCS-2LE', 'UTF-8', $row['myfield']));

gillis dot phpmanual at no-spam-for-megillis dot fi
19 years ago
Allthough probably obvious to people who have used the functions available to other databases it during writing is not present in this entry that result type can be entered as MSSQL_ASSOC or MSSQL_NUM, and the default value when nothing entered being MSSQL_BOTH

//Gillis Danielsen
archwisp at gmail dot com
20 years ago
In response to my last post:

After further testing, it appears as though the null column bug only affects windows installations. On my linux installation using freetds-0.61.2, the function behaves properly. It must exist either in the php_mssql.dll or the Microsoft connection libraries. And since I use this functionality through ASP as well (which uses the Microsoft connection libraries), it would lead me to believe that it's an issue within the php_mssql.dll.
ask at manniac dot de
22 years ago
It seems that this function creates arrays wich keys can not be longer than 30 chars. So when you're having a DB-field like "this_is_a_very_long_db_field_name"
its array-key is cut off after 30 chars and you will have to access the value with
herriedm at yahoo dot com
21 years ago
[Editor's Note: NULLs *are* distinguishable from 0.  See the manual section on comparison operators. ]

microsoft sql 2000 server
php running on windows 2000

Using the $row = mssql_fetch_array($result)

A null value will return 0, this is a problem if you are using 0 and some identifier for a value.  you should convert all nulls to something like -1 or "NO VALUE"
Derek Ethier
20 years ago
The array_walk function is also useful for stripping the whitespace returned in an mssql_query.

function modify_field(&$array) {
    $array = trim($array);

$query = "select * from dbo.table where value = '0'";
$result = mssql_query($query) or die;

while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($result)) {
    // This will call the above function.
    array_walk($row, 'modify_field');
    array_push($eventresults, $row);

An added benefit is that you can expand the modify_field function to handled unexpected returned column data.
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