PHP Velho Oeste 2024


(PHP 7 >= 7.1.0)

openssl_get_curve_namesGets list of available curve names for ECC


openssl_get_curve_names ( ) : array

Gets the list of available curve names for use in Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) for public/private key operations. The two most widely standardized/supported curves are prime256v1 (NIST P-256) and secp384r1 (NIST P-384).

Approximate Equivalancies of AES, RSA, DSA and ECC Keysizes
AES Symmetric Keysize (Bits) RSA and DSA Keysize (Bits) ECC Keysize (Bits)
80 1024 160
112 2048 224
128 3072 256
192 7680 384
256 15360 512
» NIST recommends using ECC curves with at least 256 bits.


Această funcție nu are parametri.

Valorile întoarse

An array of available curve names.


Example #1 openssl_get_curve_names() example


Exemplul de mai sus va afișa ceva similar cu:

    [0] => secp112r1
    [1] => secp112r2
    [2] => secp128r1
    [3] => secp128r2
    [4] => secp160k1
    [5] => secp160r1
    [6] => secp160r2
    [7] => secp192k1
    [8] => secp224k1
    [9] => secp224r1
    [10] => secp256k1
    [11] => secp384r1
    [12] => secp521r1
    [13] => prime192v1
    [14] => prime192v2
    [15] => prime192v3
    [16] => prime239v1
    [17] => prime239v2
    [18] => prime239v3
    [19] => prime256v1
    [20] => sect113r1
    [21] => sect113r2
    [22] => sect131r1
    [23] => sect131r2
    [24] => sect163k1
    [25] => sect163r1
    [26] => sect163r2
    [27] => sect193r1
    [28] => sect193r2
    [29] => sect233k1
    [30] => sect233r1
    [31] => sect239k1
    [32] => sect283k1
    [33] => sect283r1
    [34] => sect409k1
    [35] => sect409r1
    [36] => sect571k1
    [37] => sect571r1
    [38] => c2pnb163v1
    [39] => c2pnb163v2
    [40] => c2pnb163v3
    [41] => c2pnb176v1
    [42] => c2tnb191v1
    [43] => c2tnb191v2
    [44] => c2tnb191v3
    [45] => c2pnb208w1
    [46] => c2tnb239v1
    [47] => c2tnb239v2
    [48] => c2tnb239v3
    [49] => c2pnb272w1
    [50] => c2pnb304w1
    [51] => c2tnb359v1
    [52] => c2pnb368w1
    [53] => c2tnb431r1
    [54] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls1
    [55] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls3
    [56] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls4
    [57] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls5
    [58] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls6
    [59] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls7
    [60] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls8
    [61] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls9
    [62] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls10
    [63] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls11
    [64] => wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls12
    [65] => Oakley-EC2N-3
    [66] => Oakley-EC2N-4
    [67] => brainpoolP160r1
    [68] => brainpoolP160t1
    [69] => brainpoolP192r1
    [70] => brainpoolP192t1
    [71] => brainpoolP224r1
    [72] => brainpoolP224t1
    [73] => brainpoolP256r1
    [74] => brainpoolP256t1
    [75] => brainpoolP320r1
    [76] => brainpoolP320t1
    [77] => brainpoolP384r1
    [78] => brainpoolP384t1
    [79] => brainpoolP512r1
    [80] => brainpoolP512t1

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