
The libxml extension is enabled by default, although it may be disabled with --disable-libxml.

The optional --with-libxml-dir directive is used to specify the location of libxml on the system that PHP is being compiled on, otherwise only the default locations are scanned. The configure process checks for libxml (specifically, xml2-config) in the following order:

  1. The location ([DIR]) specified with --with-libxml-dir ([DIR]=/bin/xml2-config)

  2. /usr/local/bin/xml2-config

  3. /usr/bin/xml2-config

If configure cannot find xml2-config in the directory specified by --with-libxml-dir, then it'll continue on and check the default locations.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

2 years ago
Please note that this option does not seem to work for PHP 8.1.10 anymore.
mansourjabin at gmail dot com
10 months ago
Critical Note: In PHP 7.4, an issue presents itself when interfacing with libxml version 2.10.2. If you're deploying PHP 7.4 and wish to maintain operational stability, ensure that libxml is aligned to version 2.9.10. This version has been verified to work seamlessly with PHP 7.4, thereby preventing potential conflicts.
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