
(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeQueryExecute a database query on this server


final public MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeQuery ( string $namespace , MongoDB\Driver\Query $query , array $options = array() ) : MongoDB\Driver\Cursor

Executes the query on this server.

Notă: The "readPreference" option does not control the server to which the driver issues the operation; it will always be executed on this server object. Instead, it may be used when issuing the operation to a secondary (from a replica set connection, not standalone) or mongos node to ensure that the driver sets the wire protocol accordingly or adds the read preference to the operation, respectively.


namespace (string)

Un spațiu de nume complet calificat (de ex. "databaseName.collectionName").

query (MongoDB\Driver\Query)

Interpelarea spre a fi executată.


Option Type Description
readPreference MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference

Preferința de citire pentru a fi folosită la selectarea serverului pentru operațiune.

session MongoDB\Driver\Session

O sesiune pentru a fi asociată cu operațiunea.

Valorile întoarse

Întoarce MongoDB\Driver\Cursor în caz de succes.


Istoricul schimbărilor

Versiune Descriere
PECL mongodb 1.4.0 The third parameter is now an options array. For backwards compatibility, this paramater will still accept a MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference object.

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