

(PHP 5, PHP 7)

mysqli_stmt::close -- mysqli_stmt_closeCloses a prepared statement


Stil obiect-orientat

public mysqli_stmt::close ( ) : bool

Stil procedural

mysqli_stmt_close ( mysqli_stmt $stmt ) : bool

Closes a prepared statement. mysqli_stmt_close() also deallocates the statement handle. If the current statement has pending or unread results, this function cancels them so that the next query can be executed.



Numai stilul procedural: Un identificator al declarației întors de mysqli_stmt_init().

Valorile întoarse

Întoarce valoarea true în cazul succesului sau false în cazul eșecului.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

daniel dot kipp at web dot de
19 years ago
if you are repeating an statement in an loop using bind_param and so on inside it for a larger operation. i thougt id would be good to clean it with stmt->close. but it broke always with an error after aprox. 250 operations . As i tried it with  stmt->reset it worked for me.
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