Configurația la rulare

Comportamentul acestor funcții este afectat de parametrii stabiliți în php.ini.

Filesystem and Streams Configuration Options
Denumire Valoare implicită Poate fi modificată Jurnal al modificărilor
phar.readonly "1" PHP_INI_ALL  
phar.require_hash "1" PHP_INI_ALL  
phar.cache_list "" PHP_INI_SYSTEM  

Iată o explicație pe scurt a directivelor de configurare.

phar.readonly bool

This option disables creation or modification of Phar archives using the phar stream or Phar object's write support. This setting should always be enabled on production machines, as the phar extension's convenient write support could allow straightforward creation of a php-based virus when coupled with other common security vulnerabilities.


This setting can only be unset in php.ini due to security reasons. If phar.readonly is disabled in php.ini, the user may enable phar.readonly in a script or disable it later. If phar.readonly is enabled in php.ini, a script may harmlessly "re-enable" the INI variable, but may not disable it.

phar.require_hash bool

This option will force all opened Phar archives to contain some kind of signature (currently MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 and OpenSSL are supported), and will refuse to process any Phar archive that does not contain a signature.


This setting can only be unset in php.ini. If phar.require_hash is disabled in php.ini, the user may enable phar.require_hash in a script or disable it later. If phar.require_hash is enabled in php.ini, a script may harmlessly "re-enable" the INI variable, but may not disable it.

This setting does not affect reading plain tar files with the PharData class.


phar.require_hash does not provide any security per se, it is merely a measure against running accidentially corrupted Phar archives, because anyone who would be able to tamper with the Phar could easily fix the signature afterwards.

phar.cache_list string

Allows mapping phar archives to be pre-parsed at web server startup, providing a performance improvement that brings running files out of a phar archive very close to the speed of running those files from a traditional disk-based installation.

Example #1 phar.cache_list usage example

in php.ini (windows):
phar.cache_list =C:\path\to\phar1.phar;C:\path\to\phar2.phar
in php.ini (unix):
phar.cache_list =/path/to/phar1.phar:/path/to/phar2.phar

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

milagre at gmail dot com
13 years ago
During experimentation with phar.cache_list using php 5.2.13 and pecl/phar 2.0.0, I found some interesting details.

It seems that if any phar in the list of phars to cache fails to be read properly during module initialization, none of the phars in the list will be cached, including ones that had already been successfully read before the failure.

Additionally, phars without metadata will always fail to be pre-cached properly due to what seems to be a bug in the phar module that re-reads the length of the metadata from the next byte if the metadata length is 0.  Adding any metadata resolved the problem for me.

So make sure you are pre-caching phars with metadata, and make sure you don't put a bad path/file in the list.
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