With PDO SQLite driver, calculation within an SQL with multiple ? may not get results as you expect.
$stmt = $PDO->prepare('SELECT * FROM `X` WHERE `TimeUpdated`+?>?');
$stmt->execute([3600, time()]);
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
To get the right results, you have more than 3 solutions.
1. Change 'SELECT * FROM `X` WHERE `TimeUpdated`+?>?' to 'SELECT * FROM `X` WHERE `TimeUpdated`>?' and do the math using Php (ie: $stmt->execute([time()-3600]); ).
2. Use PdoStatement::bindParam or PdoStatement::bindValue, and set the parameter type to PDO::PARAM_INT.
3. Change 'SELECT * FROM `X` WHERE `TimeUpdated`+?>?' to 'SELECT * FROM `X` WHERE `TimeUpdated`+?>?+0', here '?+0' may be replaced by another math function or another calculation, such as 'abs(?)', you can even wrap both ? with a math calculation.