For those trying to connect PHP 5.2 to a 2005 Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cube and execute MDX queries, you have to establish a link via a trusted connection from the Database Service to SSAS using a stored procedure, then execute the stored procedure via PHP.
Here is an example stored procedure that retrieves records from the Adventure Works sample cube that ships with SSAS.
From SQL Server Query Analyzer, you could test it as:
exec testMDX
From PHP, you would execute something like the following:
$resultset = mssql_query("exec testMDX",$res_id);
then loop thorugh the result set.
set ANSI_NULLS ON -- Must be enabled at time Stored Proc is created
set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON -- Must be enabled at time Stored Proc is created
Create Procedure [dbo].[testMDX]
SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON: -- Must be enabled
SET ANSI_NULLS ON; -- Must be enabled
@SQL varchar(1200), -- Variable to hold SQL query
@MDX varchar (1000), -- Variable to hold MDX query
-- Establish a link to Analysis Server
exec sp_addlinkedserver
@server='linked_olap', -- Alias used to reference the link
@srvproduct='', -- Not used
@provider='MSOLAP.3', -- OLAP driver
@datasrc='servername', -- Database server name
@catalog='Adventure Works DW Standard Edition' -- Database name
-- Analysis Server requires a TRUSTED connection
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = 'linked_olap', -- Alias used to reference the link
@useself = 'false', -- Use own credentials
@locallogin = NULL, -- Apply to all local logins
@rmtuser = 'domain\username', -- Remote user name
@rmtpassword = 'xyz123' -- Remote user password
-- Create a temporary table that will be used to hold the MDX output
create table #temp_table (column1 text null, column2 text null);
-- Setup a string to hold the MDX so that the precompiler does not try to validate the syntax
SET @MDX = 'SELECT [Product].[Category].members ON ROWS,
{Measures.[Internet Order Count]} ON COLUMNS
FROM [Adventure Works] ' ;
-- Setup a string to insert the MDX results into the temporary table
SET @SQL = 'Insert into #temp_table SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(linked_olap,'''+@MDX+''')';
-- Execute the SQL and remote MDX query
-- Select the results from the temporary table to return to the calling program
Select column1, column2 from #temp_table ;
-- Drop the temporary table
drop table #temp_table;
-- Release the TRUSTED connection
exec sp_droplinkedsrvlogin 'linked_olap', NULL ;
-- Release the link to the Analysis Server
exec sp_dropserver 'linked_olap' ;