PHP Velho Oeste 2024


Taint — модуль определения кодов XSS (испорченные или подозрительные строки, tainted strings). Также может быть полезен для выявления попыток внедрения SQL-инъекций, shell-инъекций и т. д.

Если модуль включён, то когда вы передаёте подозрительную строку (из $_GET, $_POST или $_COOKIE) некоторым функциям, будет выдано предупреждение.

Пример #1 Пример использования Taint()

= trim($_GET['a']);

$file_name = '/tmp' . $a;
$output = "Welcome, {$a} !!!";
$var = "output";
$sql = "Select * from " . $a;
$sql .= "ooxx";


print $



Вывод приведённого примера будет похож на:

Warning: main() [function.echo]: Attempt to echo a string that might be tainted

Warning: main() [function.echo]: Attempt to print a string that might be tainted

Warning: include() [function.include]: File path contains data that might be tainted

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: SQL statement contains data that might be tainted
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User Contributed Notes 1 note

wolfen at gmail dot com
9 years ago
I'm wondering about the quality of this PHP extension, specifically:

1. Are there any known bugs or limitations?
2. How does enabling it affect the performance of a typical system?
3. Would I be foolish to use it in PROD? Yes, yes, I know *not* using Taint in PROD is risky, that is why I want to use it! But I need to know the risks associated with using it in order to be able to make a rational decision.

Also, is this the same as the PECL package developed by Weitse Venema following PHP RFC for Taint ( or does it differ significantly in any way?
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