
Bu PECL eklentisini kurma bilgisi kılavuzun PECL eklentisinin kurulması başlıklı faslında bulunabilir. Yeni dağıtımlar, indirmeler, kaynak dosyaları, sürdürücü bilgileri ve CHANGELOG gibi ek bilgiler şu adreste bulunabilir: » https://pecl.php.net/package/stomp

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

9 years ago
If you are encountering an error when building the Stomp extension:

pecl install stomp
OpenSSL install prefix (no to disable SSL support) [/usr] : /usr

configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's libraries
ERROR: `/var/tmp/stomp/configure --with-openssl-dir=/usr' failed

Even when openssl-devel is installed on the machine, try answering 'yes' to the openssl path prompt:

pecl install stomp
OpenSSL install prefix (no to disable SSL support) [/usr] : yes
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