(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)
SWFFont::__construct — Loads a font definition
)Bu işlev DENEYSELDİR. Bu işlevin davranışı, ismi ve belgeleri PHP'nin sonraki sürümlerinde hiçbir duyuru yapılmaksızın değiştirilebilir. Bu riski göze alamayacaksanız bu işlevi kullanmayın.
If filename
is the name of an FDB file
(i.e., it ends in ".fdb"), load the font definition found in said
file. Otherwise, create a browser-defined font reference.
FDB ("font definition block") is a very simple wrapper for the SWF DefineFont2 block which contains a full description of a font. One may create FDB files from SWT Generator template files with the included makefdb utility- look in the util directory off the main ming distribution directory.
Browser-defined fonts don't contain any information about the font other than its name. It is assumed that the font definition will be provided by the movie player. The fonts _serif, _sans, and _typewriter should always be available. For example:
$f = newSWFFont("_sans");
<font name="sans-serif">
in HTML.