
(PECL swish >= 0.1.0)

SwishSearch::setStructureSet the structure flag in the search object


SwishSearch::setStructure ( int $structure ) : void

Bu işlev DENEYSELDİR. Bu işlevin davranışı, ismi ve belgeleri PHP'nin sonraki sürümlerinde hiçbir duyuru yapılmaksızın değiştirilebilir. Bu riski göze alamayacaksanız bu işlevi kullanmayın.



The structure flag a bitmask is used to limit search to certain parts of HTML documents (like title, meta, body etc.). Its possible values are listed below. To combine several values use bitwise OR operator, see example below.

  • Swish::IN_FILE

  • Swish::IN_TITLE

  • Swish::IN_HEAD

  • Swish::IN_BODY

  • Swish::IN_COMMENTS

  • Swish::IN_HEADER


  • Swish::IN_META

Dönen Değerler

Hiçbir değer dönmez.


Örnek 1 Basic SwishSearch::setStructure() example


try {

$swish = new Swish("index.swish-e");
$search $swish->prepare();

$results $search->execute("time");
"First query found: "$results->hits" hits\n";

$search->setStructure(Swish::IN_TITLE|Swish::IN_HEAD); //search in title and head
$results $search->execute("time");
"Second query found: "$results->hits" hits\n";

$search->setStructure(Swish::IN_ALL); //search in whole document, the default value
$results $search->execute("time");
"Third query found: "$results->hits" hits\n";

} catch (
SwishException $e) {
$e->getMessage(), "\n";


Yukarıdaki örnek şuna benzer bir çıktı üretir:

First query found: 5 hits
Second query found: 0 hits
Third query found: 5 hits
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