parse_ini_string_m is analog for a parse_ini_string function.
had to code this function due to the lack of a php 5.3 on some hosting.
- ignores commented lines that start with ";" or "#"
- ignores broken lines that do not have "="
- supports array values and array value keys
function parse_ini_string_m($str) {
if(empty($str)) return false;
$lines = explode("\n", $str);
$ret = Array();
$inside_section = false;
foreach($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if(!$line || $line[0] == "#" || $line[0] == ";") continue;
if($line[0] == "[" && $endIdx = strpos($line, "]")){
$inside_section = substr($line, 1, $endIdx-1);
if(!strpos($line, '=')) continue;
$tmp = explode("=", $line, 2);
if($inside_section) {
$key = rtrim($tmp[0]);
$value = ltrim($tmp[1]);
if(preg_match("/^\".*\"$/", $value) || preg_match("/^'.*'$/", $value)) {
$value = mb_substr($value, 1, mb_strlen($value) - 2);
$t = preg_match("^\[(.*?)\]^", $key, $matches);
if(!empty($matches) && isset($matches[0])) {
$arr_name = preg_replace('#\[(.*?)\]#is', '', $key);
if(!isset($ret[$inside_section][$arr_name]) || !is_array($ret[$inside_section][$arr_name])) {
$ret[$inside_section][$arr_name] = array();
if(isset($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[1])) {
$ret[$inside_section][$arr_name][$matches[1]] = $value;
} else {
$ret[$inside_section][$arr_name][] = $value;
} else {
$ret[$inside_section][trim($tmp[0])] = $value;
} else {
$ret[trim($tmp[0])] = ltrim($tmp[1]);
return $ret;
example usage:
$ini = '
val_one = "some value"
val_two = 567
val_arr[] = "arr_elem_one"
val_arr[] = "arr_elem_two"
val_arr[] = "arr_elem_three"
val_arr_two[6] = "key_6"
val_arr_two[some_key] = "some_key_value"
$arr = parse_ini_string_m($ini);
variable $arr output:
[simple] => Array
[val_one] => some value
[val_two] => 567
[array] => Array
[val_arr] => Array
[0] => arr_elem_one
[1] => arr_elem_two
[2] => arr_elem_three
[array_keys] => Array
[val_arr_two] => Array
[6] => key_6
[some_key] => some_key_value