* Removes the preceeding or proceeding portion of a string
* relative to the last occurrence of the specified character.
* The character selected may be retained or discarded.
* Example usage:
* <code>
* $example = 'http://example.com/path/file.php';
* $cwd_relative[] = cut_string_using_last('/', $example, 'left', true);
* $cwd_relative[] = cut_string_using_last('/', $example, 'left', false);
* $cwd_relative[] = cut_string_using_last('/', $example, 'right', true);
* $cwd_relative[] = cut_string_using_last('/', $example, 'right', false);
* foreach($cwd_relative as $string) {
* echo "$string <br>".PHP_EOL;
* }
* </code>
* Outputs:
* <code>
* http://example.com/path/
* http://example.com/path
* /file.php
* file.php
* </code>
* @param string $character the character to search for.
* @param string $string the string to search through.
* @param string $side determines whether text to the left or the right of the character is returned.
* Options are: left, or right.
* @param bool $keep_character determines whether or not to keep the character.
* Options are: true, or false.
* @return string
function cut_string_using_last($character, $string, $side, $keep_character=true) {
$offset = ($keep_character ? 1 : 0);
$whole_length = strlen($string);
$right_length = (strlen(strrchr($string, $character)) - 1);
$left_length = ($whole_length - $right_length - 1);
switch($side) {
case 'left':
$piece = substr($string, 0, ($left_length + $offset));
case 'right':
$start = (0 - ($right_length + $offset));
$piece = substr($string, $start);
$piece = false;