Espace de noms global

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

Sans aucune définition d'espace de noms, toutes les classes et les fonctions sont placées dans l'espace de noms global : comme en PHP avant que les espaces de noms aient été introduits. En préfixant un nom avec un antislash \, on peut demander l'utilisation de l'espace de noms global, même dans un contexte d'espace de noms spécifique.

Exemple #1 Spécification d'espace de noms global

namespace A\B\C;

/* Cette fonction est A\B\C\fopen */
function fopen() {
/* ... */
$f = \fopen(...); // appel à fopen global
return $f;

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

13 years ago
Included files will default to the global namespace.
namespace test {
'-',__NAMESPACE__,'-<br />';

echo '-',__NAMESPACE__,'-<br />';

Results of test.php:

PhoneixSegovia at gmail dot com
2 years ago
Note that variables aren't part of the namespace so they are always global (or scoped to function, etc.) and can't be accessed the same way as other namespace stuff.

So no:

    namespace Foo;
    $var = "hello";
    echo \Foo\$var;
nobody at example dot com
9 years ago
In namespaced context the Exception class needs to be prefixed with global prefix operator.


namespace hey\ho\lets\go;

    public function
        try {
$thing = somethingThrowingAnException();
        } catch (
Exception $ex) {
// Not catched

    public function
        try {
$thing = somethingThrowingAnException();
        } catch (\
Exception $ex) {
// This is now catched

dmc60 at cam dot ac dot uk
11 months ago
To define an associative array (hash) so that it is part of the namespace, instead of going into the global namespace, just declare it as const, istead of as a variable.

This is handy for lookup tables, config settings, etc.

// Example.  Instead of writing:

$my_datatypes = [
    "sterility" =>  [
      "xlsx" => [
        "Sample Type",
        "Run Pass/Fail",
      "db" => [

// ...declare the lookup table like this:

const MY_DATATYPES = [
    "sterility" =>  [
      "xlsx" => [
        "Sample Type",
        "Run Pass/Fail",
      "db" => [

// ...and it will be declared within the current namespace.
hileon at gmail dot com
9 years ago
This design of access globe name is bad, at least inconvenient.
In case that you have some legacy code, and try to copy and re-use it under some namespace. You have to add prefix "\" on any global function call.
xmarcos at gmail dot com
12 years ago
That's the expected behavior, you have to declare the namespace at the top of the file to "extend" it.

If you include a global namespaced file, it will operate on the global namespace.
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