For windows users,
It will return TRUE for EXE extensions. I have checked for MSI, but it returns FALSE.
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
is_executable — Dice se il file indicato è eseguibile
Restituisce true
se il filename esiste ed è un eseguibile.
La funzione is_executable() sarà disponibile sui sistemi Windows a partire dalla versione 5.0.0 di PHP.
Example #1 Esempio di uso di is_executable()
$file = '/home/vincent/';
if (is_executable($file)) {
echo $file.' è eseguibile';
} else {
echo $file.' non è eseguibile';
Nota: I risultati di questa funzione saranno memorizzati. Vedere clearstatcache() per maggiori dettagli.
A partire da PHP 5.0.0
, questa funzione può essere utilizzata con
alcuni URL wrappers. Fare riferimento a
Supported Protocols and Wrappers per la lista di quali wrappers supportano le funzioni della famiglia
For windows users,
It will return TRUE for EXE extensions. I have checked for MSI, but it returns FALSE.
is_executable() does not check the PATH environment variable, so if your current working dir is /dir/ and you have /bin/ in your PATH env and the file /bin/ffmpeg exists, then you can still run shell_exec("ffmpeg"), but is_executable("ffmpeg") will return false.
if you're looking for a version of is_executable that also considers the PATH environment variable, then try this:
function is_executable_pathenv(string $filename): bool
if (is_executable($filename)) {
return true;
if ($filename !== basename($filename)) {
return false;
$paths = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv("PATH"));
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (is_executable($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename)) {
return true;
return false;
This function returns the value for the process PHP is executing under.
/var/somebody/files was only executable by owner (700).
It contained world-readable files, but without execute permission, PHP could not access the directory to download the files.
is_executable() returned false.
Making the dir world-executable (701) gave access to PHP. The download worked. And is_executable() returned true.
I assume that if I added PHP to the group of the folder and gave the group executable permission, that would also work.
Find no mention of this, but is_executable returns result for owner permissions only (not for group or other).