
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mb_ereg_matchRegular expression match for multibyte string


mb_ereg_match(string $pattern, string $string, ?string $options = null): bool

A regular expression match for a multibyte string

Nota: pattern is only matched at the beginning of string.

Elenco dei parametri


The regular expression pattern.


The string being evaluated.


The search option. See mb_regex_set_options() for explanation.

Valori restituiti

Returns true if string matches the regular expression pattern, false if not.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.0.0 options is nullable now.



La codifica interna o la codifica dei caratteri specificata da mb_regex_encoding() sarĂ  utilizzata come codifica ei caratteri per questa funzione.

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

8 years ago
The behaviour of mb_ereg_match to imply a ^ at the beginning of the pattern stands in stark contrast to the behaviour of mb_ereg where ^ is NOT implied.

Switching between those two routines (because the need to extract a subpattern changes) requires careful consideration when to compensate for this surprising inconsistence.
15 years ago
Note that this function matches a string from the beginning only (though not necessarily till the end):


= mb_ereg_match("a", "some apples"); // returns false
$test = mb_ereg_match("a", "a kiwi");      // returns true


If you want to check for a match anywhere in the string, use the wild-card & repeat operators .*


= mb_ereg_match(".*a", "some apples"); // returns true

webdesign at innato dot nl
5 years ago
It took me a while to discover that you must escape characters like parentheses (), square brackets [] and ^ (and maybe more) if you want to match these as a literal. Otherwise you may get some erratic outcome.

In summary, using a match anywhere in the string as an example:

= "[";
$haystack = "some_array[]";
$test= mb_ereg_match(".*".$needle, $haystack);   // returns false and a php warning

$test= mb_ereg_match('.*'.preg_quote($needle), $haystack);   // returns true
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