The extractTo() method does not offer any parameter to allow extracting files and folders recursively from another (parent) folder inside the ZIP archive. With the following method it is possible:
class my_ZipArchive extends ZipArchive
public function extractSubdirTo($destination, $subdir)
$errors = array();
$destination = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $destination);
$subdir = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), "/", $subdir);
if (substr($destination, mb_strlen(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "UTF-8") * -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
$destination .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if (substr($subdir, -1) != "/")
$subdir .= "/";
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numFiles; $i++)
$filename = $this->getNameIndex($i);
if (substr($filename, 0, mb_strlen($subdir, "UTF-8")) == $subdir)
$relativePath = substr($filename, mb_strlen($subdir, "UTF-8"));
$relativePath = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $relativePath);
if (mb_strlen($relativePath, "UTF-8") > 0)
if (substr($filename, -1) == "/") {
if (!is_dir($destination . $relativePath))
if (!@mkdir($destination . $relativePath, 0755, true))
$errors[$i] = $filename;
if (dirname($relativePath) != ".")
if (!is_dir($destination . dirname($relativePath)))
@mkdir($destination . dirname($relativePath), 0755, true);
if (@file_put_contents($destination . $relativePath, $this->getFromIndex($i)) === false)
$errors[$i] = $filename;
return $errors;
echo "<pre>";
$zip = new my_ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open("") === TRUE)
$errors = $zip->extractSubdirTo("C:/output", "folder/subfolder/");
echo 'ok, errors: ' . count($errors);
echo 'failed';