
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

session_unsetУдалить все переменные сессии


session_unset(): bool

Функция session_unset() удаляет все зарегистрированные переменные текущей сессии.

Список параметров

У этой функции нет параметров.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает true в случае успешного выполнения или false в случае возникновения ошибки.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
7.2.0 Теперь возвращаемый тип этой функции bool. Раньше был тип void.



При использовании $_SESSION для удаления переменных сессии, то используйте функцию unset(). Например, unset($_SESSION['varname']);.


НЕ удаляйте весь массив $_SESSION с помощью unset($_SESSION), так как это приведёт к невозможности регистрации новых переменных через суперглобальный массив $_SESSION


Использование функции session_unset() идентично $_SESSION = [].


Функция работает только в том случае, если сессия активна. Она не очистит массив $_SESSION, если сессия ещё не запущена или уже уничтожена. Используйте $_SESSION = [] для удаления всех переменных сессии, даже если сессия не активна.

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

tim at leethost dot com
13 years ago
I was having a problem clearing all session variables, deleting the session, and creating a new session without leaving old session stuff behind in all browsers.  The below code is perfect for a logout script to totally delete everything and start new.  It even works in Chrome which seems to not work as other browsers when trying do logout and start a new session.

9 years ago
The difference between both session_unset and session_destroy is as follows:

session_unset just clears out the session for usage. The session is still on the users computer. Note that by using session_unset, the variable still exists. session_unset just remove all session variables. it does not destroy the the session would still be active.

Using session_unset in tandem with session_destroy however, is a much more effective means of actually clearing out data. As stated in the example above, this works very well, cross browser. session_destroy is destroy the session. session_destroy() to kill all session information.....This is the more secure function to use.
20 years ago
note to Jason: I don't know the exact mechanics of it (since I'm quite new to sessions) but I think you need to use session_unset() BEFORE you can use session_destroy() at all.  I thought that session_unset() was for scripted variables, and session_destroy() just for anything saved on your side regarding the session.
zach at zkwarta dot com
19 years ago
The difference between both session_unset and session_destroy is as follows:

session_unset just clears out the sesison for usage. The session is still on the users computer. Note that by using session_unset, the variable still exists.

Using session_unset in tandem with session_destroy however, is a much more effective means of actually clearing out data. As stated in the example above, this works very well, cross browser:


I noticed that in firefox, one could simply use sesison_unset and the session would be cleared. When trying this on IE, I was horrified to find out that the data was still there, so I had to use session destroy.
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